

  关于”远足郊游活动过程“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The process of hiking activities。以下是关于远足郊游活动过程的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

  Recently, the discussion about whether we should take part in sports activities is very popular in our school. Most students support it. But some students think it is a waste of time.

  We may get hurt in the process. It is very necessary for us to take part in sports activities first. We can relax ourselves by doing some sports, such as playing football, table tennis, etc Then focus on the class.

  There is no doubt that when we go back to study, we can learn better. Secondly, exercise is good for our health, so we are unlikely to get sick. Doing exercise can help us form a new hobby, such as swimming, hiking, etc., so that our life will be more colorful.



  Harmony with the environment means that we live on the earth. Man is a natural son, not just a conqueror. As we all know, there is only one earth and mountains on the earth.

  Animals plant human cells. If they destroy and destroy natural organizations, we must eliminate human beings. Environment must be connected with social ethics, personality education and practice, as one of them As an important part, everyone must fulfill the responsibility and obligation of protecting the environment.



  Donating books for poor children last week, we held a class activity for children from poor families. Our head teacher called on us to donate books, clothes and stationery to schools in the development zone. Xiao Ming donated his favorite set of detective books.

  I also brought my beautiful clothes, including an imported dress. Our activity aims to bring care to the poor people in the western region In the process, every student partited actively. For me, every minute was very enjoyable.

  I hope that in the near future, we can hold more such activities to gather more care for the poor.



  本文网址: https://english.wvser.com/article/or181nnv.html