(月运)丽莎 12月占星运势(完成)

  楼梯: 请先回复“抱”贴,再翻译,以免撞车浪费人力,谢谢合作! 不回帖直接上翻译者视为兴趣展示,不予更新到主帖 转载请注明“星译社”()及译者,谢谢 搬运排版: 王小亚 译文: ★★★12月星象纵览——译者:子夜、找到组织了、长叶暗罗 *******(以下部分为子夜翻译) 圣诞快乐,光明节快乐,不论你信仰什么,统统地都快乐 12月肯定会一路火花四溅地推进。所有曾经被挂起、被掩埋和被夺走的,都将活力十足地重返你的生活。不过,我还是建议大家在各种旅途当中保持谨慎,因为8和13日,水星和天王混搭着一起顺行了。 水星掌管通讯、驾车旅行和一般的移动事物。水星也掌管人类的智力,所以当水星逆行,或者精确地说,是从地球上看来“逆行”,我们的思维进程和旅行和泛指的灵活与机动性都放慢了。不过,除了在旅行时必须耗费心血计划好各种突发事件而外,这股能量对其他事情却很有利,比如搞研究,重拾昔日的爱好和话题,修正理论和意识形态,重访旧日的人和事。 此外,我们还要补上天王顺行的影响。天王是我喜欢的行星之一,因为它是天才的标志,那些如罗伯特·弗罗斯特的诗中言及的“不走寻常路”的人物。 天王是个相当分裂的力量,一方面,它意味着全然的离经叛道和无早饭状态,一方面,它也让我们遵从心灵的指引,永不背离自己的灵魂。大多数卓有成就的人都不走那种普通的、很多人走过的宽街大衢,他们要寻找的是属于自己的特别召唤或副业。 天王也掌管电子和电气,变革和意外,连同大自然和上帝之手。当静止/顺行的水星遇上静止/顺行的天王,这一天的关键词就是“不可预测”。是哒,这一天肯定能带来洞察力、卓绝的天才和好运,带来足以改变我们生活的最最不可思议的事件。不过天王也带来危险。这危险并非是犯罪意义上的,但也相当危险,比如来自注意力不集中、意外状况和漫不经心的态度。包括迷茫的思绪、离奇怪诞的事件和有限制的机动性。 若你必须得在8和15日之间旅行,请睁大眼睛,给所有的交通工具做好日常维护,如果你是司机或领航员,晚上一定要睡个好觉。8-15日之间是最糟糕的状况,总之,在你的个人星盘上,这也是个可以指数级地放大事情的触发点。 所以,10号有天王顺行,13号水星顺行。一旦这两颗行星恢复了正常的速度,一定会有良好的变化发生,特别是对双子、处女和水瓶而言。不过,10号不但有天王顺行,同一天也有月全食。我的朋友,这真是大件事啊,我猜测会有某个消息传来。可能是任何事情。比如某个想要孩子或增添家人的人发话了,比如来自你故乡或故国的消息,因为月亮掌管着这些事物。旧忆、乡思和多愁善感一起涌现,但应该不会太忧郁太痛苦,毕竟月食是在双子座,双子座拥有的是无忧无虑的个性。 *******(以下中段部分为找到组织了翻译) 此次月全食将发生在双子座18度左右,据时间和日期推算,整个食相将覆盖阿拉斯加、加拿大北部、澳大利亚、新西兰以及中亚和东亚。月全食应该是非常壮观的景象,也注定会带来对于光亮的全新体验。 月食与个人及自发情绪有关,还有什么时间能比假期季节更适合处理个人及情绪问题的呢?占星中任何涉及“月亮”的元素都与家庭和养育相关。双子是聪明又逍遥的星座,为我们的生活带来各式各样的人,老师(文法学院)、邻居、室友、轮班同事以及土著。有大量旅行的机会,并与亲近的人同乐。对一些人而言,月食还预示着真爱的降临,永久居所的建成,无论此次月食在你的本命盘中处在什么宫位,你都有大量机会来把与此宫相关的事照料的更好。 是的,我要再一次提到爱情,因为这是我的信仰,特别是此时,现在。12月伊始,假期浪漫就是很明确的预兆。本月的第一周为你带来非常慷慨的仰慕者。所有那些假期聚会都把暖昧的人儿凑成幸运的一对儿。这还仅仅是一些次要的预示。而对那些本来在星盘上就有合力的人而言,特别是有了可爱的月食加入,甚至是即将顺行的天王星与水星(木星也是,但还不是谈论它的时间),都预示了美妙无比的爱情,我甚至不敢用任何言语来描述,担心有损它的美妙与神圣。我没在开玩笑,也不是讽刺。事实上本次假期有很多人都会永结同心,包括我在内。 最后要说的也是很重要很欢乐的一点就是仁慈慷慨幸运的木星将在圣诞节这天恢复顺行!木星代表一股非常奢侈挥霍的能量,在它逆行期间我们见证了一些国家的经济衰退,包括意大利和希腊。木星在金牛座在很多情况下还容易让人走捷径,很可能入不敷出。不过这种能量也代表着极度艰辛的工作、独特的常识以及现实考量。此次假期季会为我们带来一些非常单纯快乐的生活体验。有热可可、温暖的炉火、圣诞颂歌,有相爱的人,一到两件贴心的礼物就够了。如果你被给予了特别的祝福,那么请与一无所有的人一起分享。 我希望政府能由一个懂经济问题又足够坚忍将预算恢复到正常轨道上的人来领导,人们是不会喜欢2012年第一季度的紧缩政策的。 *******(以下部分为长叶暗罗翻译) 第一季度末期至第二季度,会有些人想要盗用这些措施,许下根本不可能兑现的空头支票。真相是政府无力买单,此间原因,要么是方案未经深思熟虑并且包含了太多的相关服务,要么是因为错误地运作了支撑他们的资源。我完全赞同最精简的最核心的社会服务,包括卫生保健,要恰如其分的。然而,实际上那很可能大部分都是预防性质,并且功效甚微。 人们必须对自己的生活负责任,假如他们希望得到任何自由。对于规则我完全没有异议,就是说每一个人都要为他的家庭留出一份钱,作为整个家庭的保障,即使没有强制措施。但是我很抱歉,无论我们信仰的是哪一种教义,我们的主神告诉我们努力奋斗是为了我们真实的收获,而不是为了一堆宣传口号,除非那样做可以赎清你的一部分罪孽。你们那些弱智的决策和低等的方案,怎么配得到别人辛辛苦苦一分一厘赚得的血汗钱。 我们这些俗世凡人在末日判决的面前人人平等,上帝并不会特别打赏那些工作努力或是拥有天赋的人,给他们另一世的生命力,让他们特别受欢迎。人们不会被平等地对待,直到我们不再拥有众多的身外之物,那时天赋和钱财才不再是重点。 儿童和传染病是政府开支仅有的基本领域,连同那些残障到无法自我照顾的人士。我们必须确保他们有机会过上像样的生活。至于儿童,将那些家庭生活处于危险中的儿童带理,假如不是凌驾于他们的意志之上的行为,那也必须是社会基础功能的一部分。 朋友们,这就是来年摆在台面上的议题。随着我们人口的增长和资源的减少,我们将不得不选出延续人类文明的重点,而不仅仅是为了生存。 所以,对于那些做祷告并且相信主显的人,这个季节我希望我们所有人都能记得加诸于地球的巨大的困境,并且祈求上帝为我们指明前进的道路。也许主将在那些世界的领袖耳边轻声呢喃,告知他们正确的道路,哪怕那样需要“独辟蹊径”。 ★★★白羊座——译者:Char ★★★金牛座——译者: AS 天王星和水星都会在12月第二周开始顺行,这俩家伙分别在你的8宫和12宫,真是个古怪的组合。完全从本能层面来说,这情况还是比较原生态的。考虑到第八宫主管禁忌之事而12宫主管秘密、迷幻和空想,好吧,还有监禁和制度化。明显地这些可以从不同的方面来解读,不过我们将会避免那些来自犹如脱线的狂热分子般的关联。一个比较合理的解释是牵涉到你的财务情况。 如果你属于一个秘密的兄弟会或者姐妹会组织,你可能会被要求为他们洗黑钱或者做假账。保持你的理性底线,不要让那些油腔滑调的家伙唤醒你心中的恶魔。 月食将照亮另一个财帛宫,很可能将会给你带点来自于你流动资产的时间让你去解决。衷心希望这是一笔不错的意外之财让你可以在假期小败一笔。月食另一方面的影响就是你生活的信仰问题。是不是手头缺乏些好的方法,期望圣诞季去看马利先生的演唱会。如果你的生活已经高于基本温饱需求,你的天性将给你带来很多的祝福给予你已经给予他人的礼物。 12月25日木星将恢复顺行,你将再一次聚焦在镁光灯下。无论你到哪里你都是人们聚焦的那一点,其他在你生活中的好基友们正需要你这种特别的惊艳。即使你无法承受这样的奢华,别人就是想靠近你。如果你的荷包空空如也,那就用你灵巧的双手去为别人搞点超赞的玩意或者利用你实事求是的天赋在别的方面。 由于新年伊始几乎所有行星都会顺行,在2012年头你将不会有任何回顾,调查或者改进要去做。当前,我们的生活是基于我们希望它是怎样的,所以这也组成了我们的世界。如果你的身边充满惊吓和悲伤,行动去改变它永远都不算晚。刻意地,强迫你自己去开始一个新的奋斗阶段来让你的世界变得更美好。对于你们中的一些,可能太晚而无法改变或者挽回损失因为要解决它需要大量时间或者一个我们已经失去联系的人。即使如此,我们可以在这其中吸取教训并面对即将到来的新年——带着新的承诺去成为一个我们自己所相信的自己。 这是一个冒险突进和为那些需要的人给予帮助的好时间;即使只是要你去做一个目击证人,不过尽量试着去做,你无法改变。出门去邂逅一段你未曾见识过的纯粹的爱,没有人比你更理解在这段感情中你的获得多少的成长和欢愉。大胆地站上前线成为英雄,如果你有那么一颗勇者之心,即使你从未成为英雄没有任何模板可以借鉴。我完全对你有信心,你用能力让这个世界因为你而有那么些不同。如果你无法战胜那些令人作呕的压力和压迫,你永远不会有一颗斗士之心。如果你是领袖不过某种程度上感到迷失在自己的族群里——停下,再一次找到你的步调,然后真正地跟着这样的步调领导你的队伍走出荒原正如你一开始所想。对于那些无法跟随你的家伙,花点时间慢下来并治愈他们。你值得去考量,心平气和并且和善的。最终,可能是你所信仰的神,或者我的——在你迷失在行动之中时——派来天使们成为你旅途的得力助手。 以我家族的名义,为你的圣诞季献上最诚挚的祝福。 ★★★双子座——译者: Asuka 本月在双子座将发生月全食,同天自7月9日起逆行的天王星也将恢复顺行。这一爆炸性的组合将会为你的世界带来一些动乱不安或激动人心。很有可能你需要“出列”,受到某种程度上的瞩目。聚光灯正打在你的身上,确保自己表现出最好的一面,注意你那些油嘴滑舌的话语。 这一系列的食相(发生在双子座和射手座,所以你也要注意那些发生在射手座食相的日子)将持续到2013年。注意:食相将会在2012年5月20日和2012年11月28日发生在双子座。这一系列的最后一个食相将在2013年5月25日在射手座发生。这些日期都预示着你将被赋予机会,让你对于生活中某些被忽略或者失常的领域给予更多关注。宇宙是仁慈的,她会提醒我们那些日子,在那期间我们所做的事将会对我们的未来产生影响,而我们也会热爱那样的未来。 天王星在你友谊,人道主义和希望的宫位扎根,为你的友谊和那些真正称得上是你的朋友的人带来改变。但愿他能为你带来一些活跃的家伙,让你的生活欢腾起来。也许他会如你所愿带来某些影响。如果不是这样,本月10日发生的食相将会把事情推向你关注的视线中。 从八月底开始逆行的木星将在25日恢复顺行。希望你在这段时间里有好好存钱,因为一旦木星顺行你可能会有一些必要的支出。然而,她同样会为我们的生活带回无限可能。在22日当最好的相位之一(日木拱)点亮木星将要开始的顺行,这一切都会得到加强。对你而言这将是强大的特别的一天,希望通过你的伴侣为你带来额外的收入,或者你可能在现有的业务中新加一个账户,尤其当你管理着他人钱财的时候。 ★★★巨蟹座——译者: 兔子 ★★★狮子座——译者:找到组织了 10号的双子座月全食点亮了你的希望宫,使你洞悉朋友这个群体。双子是个双体星座,因此某个朋友可以对你两面三刀。在月食的协助下你能够明晰他的意图以及下一步行动。 还是在10号,代表动荡、巧合以及兴奋的天王星恢复顺行。这可是件大事,没人可以无视它。对你来说,会在异国缘定此生。不是个环游者?没关系,同样的事可以发生在大学校园或者一群思想者之间。 天王星为命运带来突然的转变,所以你会发现自己正在与非常有权势的人交往。这些人与你所熟悉的圈子完全不同,他们显得有些怪异或者超前,为你带来一些你从未思考过的观点。这是宇宙交给你的任务,所以开放的迎接这些新观念吧。还有可能在经历了很多学习之后,你可能会成为你所思考的领域中的专家。有这样一颗天才之星坐落在掌管高深思想的宫位,那就是获得新知的最好预示,甚至是把你的学识传授给他人。 另一种可能性,是你会遇到某个人,他不是之前吸引你的那种类型。不过这只适用于那些离异的狮子,因为9宫代表第二次婚姻。如果某个人此时进入你的生活,你得好好了解他再做决定。在某些情况下天王星代表着极高的智力,但另一端就是怪异及疯子。当然这还是寻找对象的好时间。为了寻找自己的另一半,你可能会长途旅行,加入某个教派或者注册成为某些学院的成员。 圣诞节当天木星将恢复顺行,完美预示着这是充满慷慨和希望的一天。这次顺行对你大有好处,带来许多推动事业的机会。你会碰到出其不意的工作机会。在天王星的作用下,可能来自外企或者远离你居住地的地方。宇宙为你打开了这扇门,勇敢得走过去。对于那些一直生活在出生地的狮子而言,真应该把握这次机会,即使那意味着你得离开自己的安乐窝。月球交点会证明那就是你的道路,所在大胆迎接全新的一切吧。 ★★★处女座——译者:折玉笙-ATS 处处们,10日的双子座月全蚀将点亮你的职业宫,如点亮同一颗圣诞树一样。蚀像给我们带来洞察力,野心勃勃的时刻,也有可能是多愁善感的时光。如果你现在想离职了,你有种跟(过去的)生活方式说“拜拜”,然后开始一段新生活的感觉。另外一种可能是,你的某个上司或者影响到你职业的某人会发表一个声明,而这个声明会影响到你自己。有些处处可能会被要求做个公众演讲,或者在某些地方代表你的家庭或你的家乡。 另外,在10日,我们会感受到天王星的顺行。在那些行动比较慢的星星中,天王星是唯一一个让我们能立即感受到他的行动(所带来的影响)的。如果它的顺行正冲击你星图上的某个个人行星的话,你一定会看到生活中怒放的烟火。天王星正处于代表你们的能量和吸引力的日座。它是一股神赐的能量,只要它在变动宫,就是一种吉兆。 在更世俗的层面上,你真的得更勤奋点,以保持你的财务宫井然有序,比如说你可以为了课税的目的给每件事编制个文件。如果你替别人管理票票或者有个合伙人跟你一起承担课税责任的话,那么为了这个季末或者下个税季,你可能想和他们一起坐下来,确认下每件事都是状况都是良好的。 天王星有时候也预示着某个震撼人心的事件。但是预警这样的事件其实一点好处也没有,因为你完全没办法减轻这样的事件。我们只知道有关于第八宫的问题会发生,它带着快意,让你上气不接下气。好事坏事、快乐悲伤,都和这一宫的特质有关。唯一能确定的是,一个重大变革会以迅雷不及掩耳之势发生。 25日,木星也开始恢复顺行,及时地为圣诞带来善意和欢呼!木星会带给你跟有权贵混在一起的机会,如果你愿意如此的话,TA可能是你们的国家元首,或者你们公司、学校的头头。你现在很可能非常想去国外旅行,你可找不到比现在更适合的时间了。在这些远离家乡的异国,木星会赐予你奖赏。 如果你已经有念头想要进入大学或者在某些深奥的学科上继续深造的话,现在就是完美的时间了。如果你不愿意进入学府大厅,你也可以上网学习高级课程或者买书自学。宇宙赋予你机会,让你简单地就能接受新的学科,对哲学感兴趣,或者进入更高级的进修场所。你所要做得仅仅就是——拥有完善自己的渴望。 新年的时候,所有的行星都开始顺行,在2012到来时将不会再有回溯,研究或者修缮工作也会进入尾声。此时此地,我们的生活已如他们所愿的那样,这就是我们的世界。如果你的内心仍然有恐惧和悲伤,行动起来,这永远不算晚。在顺行的作用下,开始新的努力会让你的世界明显变得更好。对于有些处处来说,现在改变或者道歉赔偿已为时过晚,因为那些时机、和那些人早已失之交臂了。即便如此,我们仍然能从这些错误里汲取教训。我们可以承诺变成亲友们所希望的样子,去面对将要到来的一年。 这是悄悄冒险前行的季节,为所见到的需要帮助的人做点好事吧,哪怕只是把你所见的阴暗写出来都行。但是,尽你所能吧,你不会改变的。出门吧,带着你从所未有的无私大爱,没人比你更清楚那些阴暗会如何抑制(人们的)发展和幸福。大胆地迈出去,如果你有英雄之心的话,那就做个英雄吧,即使没有榜样告诉你从何做起。我完全相信你会变得彻底不同。在你不曾战胜那些存在于世间的、丑陋的压迫者和压迫行径时,你是不会拥有勇士之心的。如果你是个迷失于兽群的领导者:停下来。找回你自己的路,真正地顺从它——如你之前所做得一样——领导他人穿过荒野。那些不够完整而什么都做不了的处处,花点时间,让自己慢下来,为自己疗伤。你值得关心,平和与安慰。最后,你的上帝(如果你的信仰是米亚,那么就是我的上帝了)会派遣天使与你一路同行。 在这个圣诞季,祝福你。 ★★★天枰座——译者: Mina 对于节日和处于神圣事件中的天秤座朋友们来说,这是一个非常活跃的月份!10号,月蚀会发生在你代表高等教育、哲学、外国人、法律事务、有影响力的人物和长途旅行的宫位。月食把情感引向光明,也会引领你与十分有影响力的人有所联系。如果你有一个重要会议,把它安排在10号会是不错的,因为你会看到内情,不然这些会被隐藏。 同样在这一天,(10号)天王星会向前行进,所以这对于权威和可能性是祸不单行的日子。对你来说,消息最有可能从你最好的朋友、商业伙伴或配偶传给你。当天王星增进前进的势头,它会在你的伴侣宫常驻很多年。如果你结婚了,你的婚姻会经历一些变化,都是关于你和伴侣之间增长的独立性的,并且会带来相当多的兴奋感。如果你的关系停滞不前,这会使之相当生动,或者对于一些人来说,结束关系不稳定的状况。 对于那些单身人士,在你的私人生活和商业领域,接下来的几年会为你的生命带来非常有趣的人物。我会在下个月的年运中讨论更多这方面的话题。 在25日,木星也会前行,这发生在你的力量宫。在这个宫位的木星,与从2009年起在你的宫位运行的土星联合,将会给你hutzpah来克服困难。土星将会呆在天秤座直至2012年10月。它是一位严峻的工头,在我们的路上设置障碍以便教会我们有耐力和守纪律。土星也掌管年龄增长,借用短语来说就是“变老并不意味着胆小软弱”。 在生活中,任何你能简单地找到出路的领域将会折服于这压力之下。在任何等级上,木星正在通过让比你更有力量的人助你一臂之力的方式来协助你。如果你有财政困难,你的伙伴可能有机会增加收入。在某些情况下,你可能得到大额的减税,或者你可能因为善于管理他人钱财而被嘉奖。 如果你在计划读大学,或者你有个快要上大学的孩子,请确定你当下有计划来为这些努力买单。 新年将至,所有的星星将会向前行进,在2012年到来时将不会有再访、调查或者重整。此时此刻,我们的生活是它们被期望的样子,我们的世界也是。如果这对你来说是一个恐怖的想法,那么采取行动永远不是太晚,用一种公开的、向前的态度来开始新的努力,这会使你的世界更加美好。对于一些人来说,改变或者改正都太迟了,因为这涉及到一段逝去的时光或一个已经失去的人。即便这样,我们仍然能够从那些错误中学习,我们会成为我们的小宠物信任的那个自己,带着这个新的承诺面对即将来临的一年。 这是安静的去冒险的季节,也是为你看到的有需要的人作出美好的契约的季节;即使只是写写你观察到的需求,也要尽你所能的去尝试。走出去,成为你不曾有过的、不能自已的爱的化身,因为没有人比你更明白那压抑怎样生长,也没有人比你更懂得幸福。如果你有一颗英雄的心,请大胆的站出来做个英雄,即使在没有榜样告诉你怎样做的情况下。我对你有足够的信心,你能够明确的有所作为。如果你不曾打算战胜丑陋的暴君和世界的压迫,你不会有一颗战斗之心。如果你是领导者,但不幸在人群中不知所措的感到迷茫:停下来。重新找到你的路,诚心地沿着它走下去,并且领导他人走出荒蛮之地,就像一开始你打算的那样。对于那些认为自身并无完整感来做着件事的人来说,花些时间,放慢节奏,治愈自己。你值得花时间考虑,值得平和,值得舒适。最终,愿你的上帝,或者如果你的上帝是个在战争中失踪的人员(MIA=missing in action)那么我的上帝,送去天使,伴你上路。 这个圣诞季节,我在家乡为你祝福。 ★★★天蝎座——译者: 木水苏 一些被这次月食(12月10日)所放弃的东西将会施加与你。这是因为它落于你日宫图第八宫,天蝎座的主宫。月食首先会影响我们自身及情绪。通常,他们让我们关注那些过去不能 有效处理的事情,并给我们一个机会解决它,因此当蚀象到来,一个永恒的伤口会完全结痂但绝不可能痊愈。目前,你可能需要忍受/处理与一个广义上的家庭成员的关系,比如你的兄弟姐妹,叔叔阿姨,或者其他亲人(也可能是你的老师、邻居或者室友)。别让你的自私做主,或者等待他们先迈出第一步再做决定。老天指示你在这个问题上进行适当协调,而不是那些家庭成员自身。 你的工作会遭受改变,或者那些每日与你合作互动的同事将会陷入窘境。12月10日月食同时,天王星也开始顺行,如果蚀象没有冲击你,那天王星的运动必将。天王星一般掌管突发的、直接的、命中注定的、不能意料的事件。你可能会收到一份工作邀请或得到一个重要职务。人们可能被带入你工作的领域,改变事情发展的方向或者让你的工作环境变成更令人激动的地方。 天王星同样让你关注自身健康,尽量避免参加可能让蝎子头部和脚踝遭受意外伤害的活动,然而它并不代表你因此变得偏执,并且绝不参加任何可能伤害到自己的活动,我们知道有时事情总是防不胜防,就连我们在自家客厅里行走都可能出现意外。因此,你要做的只是多倾听自己的身体,注意它是否有抗议你去参加活动(译者:这是传说中的第六感么?)。 如果你理解一个家挺成员众多的人的处境,你会明白他们可能不会如你所想的那样成为一个活泼动物的爱人。因此不要买只小狗当做圣诞礼物送给某个没有精力或同情心去照料它的人。应该送给那些会照料并且真正把动物当家人的人,你现在得到的动物可能会很特别和敏捷,会给蝎子的生活带来乐趣。 非常值得高兴的过程将发生在22号,它会加速开启木星的控制力量。你的合作/同伴/伴侣关系非常显眼,它可能是关于商业伙伴或者个人伴侣。也许你会发现他们是圣诞假期里最完美的礼物。另外的情况是,你可能会得到一个团体活动的邀请,它有可能让你遇见新的商业联系人,如果你仍单身,那TA可能会是你未来的伴侣。这是一个慷慨而美丽的时光,是最好的休息季节,确保能和你的爱人一起享受。 顺行的木星会给蝎子带来机会,去亲近你在意的人。你可能会花费更多的时间同最好的朋友或者配偶相处。这股力量同样可能引发过度浪费,可能你的同伴会花费比你更多的金钱?如果你单身,木星也会带来一个机会,去会见/遇上那个可能与你共享生活的对象。亲爱的蝎子们,去寻找那个朴实(或者属土)、乐观、勇于面对生活的人吧。 新年的轮子慢慢转来,所有的行星依旧继续前进,2012的到来意味着所有的事情不能修改或重来。此时此刻,我们的生活如设定的,这就是我们存在的世界。如果它让你感觉恐慌或者悲伤,现在行动还为时不晚。显然,应改变习惯,着手去努力可以让你的生活变得更美好的事。然而对于一些人, 现在去改变或者忏悔已为时过晚,因为那些时间已逝,那些犯错的人早已迷失自我。即便如此,我们仍然可以从错误中吸取教训,当我们面对正在走来的新年时,我们会让我们周围的人事相信,我们会恪守一个新的承诺。 这是一个适合安静向前冒险的季节,同时为那些你认为需要帮助的人做些力所能及的事,即使它只是小到作为目击者的你写下对不公事情的厌恶,然而记住,尽你的力量就好,你不可能改变很多事情。为你未曾拥有过的毫无保留的爱付出,因为不会有人比你更明白如何去抑制幸福和成长。如果你有一颗英雄般的心,即便你没有榜样作为行动参考,也勇敢的向前迈进并且成为一名英雄。我坚信你可以成为一个与众不同的人。当然,如果你不想去战胜这世界上丑陋的压迫者,你便不希望自己拥有一颗武士般强大的心。假设你是一个领导者却因为某种原因迷失在兽群里:止住,重新找回你的道路并真实地沿着它走去,直到带领其他人走出荒野就像你刚开始就应该去做的那样。对那些不正确的,你将有足够的能力去面对,你要做的是放慢脚步,给自己一点时间去治愈它。最后,如果你是战斗中迷失的人,愿你的神派遣天使帮助你走完你的旅程。 在这圣诞季节为你送上我最真挚的问候!(译者:噢,丽莎!!) ★★★射手座——译者: 爬爬 生日快乐! 10日的月食将虽然不是发生在射手座,但将会发生在“摩羯射手轴”,因而这个月食对你来说还是非常重要。摩羯射手轴的最后一个食相将会于2013年5月13日发生在射手座,在这个食相前还会有一个射手座食相,不过那个已经是金牛天蝎轴的食相了。2012年6月7日还会有一个食相落入射手座。在日历上标出我列的这些日子吧,在2012年6月的射手座食相的时候也要记得读双子座运势哦。 食相们是可爱的小野兽,他们会带来非常好的注意事项,当然也有些不太好的。不过这是宇宙用它自己的方式让我们知道,我们生活中熟知的某些方面需要引起我们的注意。在食相期间我们能够获得一些完全不同的机会来处理这些问题,所以我们难道不应该注意么?你做与不做与我无关,不过这关乎到你自己。改变不是在今天就是在明天。 虽然这是普运,不过从你的日座星盘还是能提供一些信息的,这次的食相主要强调了你的伙伴关系宫。如果你对某些人有法定义务,那这些关系就是这次食相的核心。而且这很有可能是涉及到你的业务伙伴关系。对于另一些射手来说,你最好的朋友或者是配偶可能会带来问题,而这些令你混乱狼狈而且会揭露出一些暗地隐藏的事情。 食相是值得我们注意的,不过在同一天我们还需要应付顺行的天王星。天王星永远都跟冷静能量不搭边,因而这次的食相会是具有特别意义的食相。因为天王星在你星盘的加盟,所以有双倍的可能性在你的友情方面会有桥段上演。 天王星会给你带来一些新朋友或者将会给你现有的朋友圈带来剧变。你可能会认识某些有折中主义倾向的、比较怪异的或者在某些方面有特殊才能的人。而这些人中的某一个可能会因某个业务关系而成为对你非常重要的人,能够给你的事业带来全新的有革新意义的想法,还会为你打开新的奋斗之门。对于另一些射手来说,这个人可能会以更加个人的方式来成为伙伴,比如结婚。这人不会是你通常会被吸引的那种型的人,而这也是因为天王星作用的原因。不过,潜在的终身伴侣必须要更多的参考你个人星盘中的感情宫。你只需要知道改变之风吹拂着我们每一个人,而对你来说这些改变是受到你所在的协会或者团体煽动的,当然也包括你最亲密的伙伴和搭档。 所以你准备好面对更多了么?本月不只是你的生日月,不只是有你这一轴的月食会发生,也不只是天空(天王星)在同一天带来的迅猛冲击。。。你的吉祥守护星木星,本月也会顺行!就在圣诞节这天!所以好好把我你的爱人吧,这对你来说是极好的一段时间。 木星正在你关乎日常工作和家庭宠物的宫位,如果你愿意每天花点时间带着它们出去遛遛并且打扮下它们,这能让你和你的四脚家庭成员更加亲密。而这对你和你宠物的健康都很有好处。而你的宠物将会真的很棒的,它们会用生命来维护你。你会保护他们么?善待你的宠物,它们是你的家人。如果你不这么认为,那你将会为此付出代价的,因为你的宠物会给你带来大麻烦的。 木星也会给你带来扩张自己工作职责的机会。还好这次会是一次机会而不单单是boss把更多的职责强加到你不得不说byebye的程度。好消息是木星将会给你一个乐于听你抱怨也乐于帮你解决问题的仁慈的boss。 这一宫还守护着你的健康,而且可能会带来糖尿病或者忧郁症之类的毛病。不过木星在这一宫最好的一点在于它是一个保护者,相比于它将带给你的虚弱来说,它更多的是支撑你的健康。 在新的一年里因为大量的行星都会恢复顺行,因而不再会有重新访问、重新探讨、重新改进之类的问题,因为2012年开始:我们生活会是事情按时按点的发生,我们的世界也是这个样子。如果有事情让你提心吊胆或者发愁,开始行动在任何时候都不嫌晚,从开放向前的层面来说,开始新的努力将会使你过的更好。对于有些射手来说,改变和补偿可能为时已晚了,因为这么做会让我们搭上时间或者人员的损失。即便如此我们仍然应该从中吸取教训,在新的一年中以有担当的面貌出现。这是一个适合静静地冒险的季节,也适合给需要帮助的人做点善事,即便是你目击的无法改变的不公正行为,就当做你能改变而让自己去做些尝试。走出去付出你从未有过的无条件的爱,因为没有人比你更明白这有多压抑成长和快乐。如果你有一颗英雄的心,那就像英雄一样大胆前进。即便你从未有过一个偶像来为你展示如何成为一个英雄,我也一直相信你能让事情真的不同。如果你没有战胜世界上丑恶的压制者和镇压的意图,那你就不会有一颗勇士的心。如果你是迷失的兽群首领:停下。重新找回你的道路,然后遵从这条道路,并且带领你的族群走出这一片荒芜,就像你最初打算的那样。对于某些射手来说还不具备做这些事情的能力,那就让自己慢下来,疗疗伤。你值得拥有考虑、平静和舒适。最后愿你的上帝,或者如果你的上帝失踪了用我的也可以,派天使在你的旅途中拯救你。 在这样一个圣诞季里,我会不断祝福你的! ★★★摩羯座——译者:卜丁 月食会照亮你的第6宫,健康,工作,家中宠物和日常事务。此宫也是军事宫,所以你可能会有他们的消息,希望他们是身披红丝带的站在门口回来过圣诞。 你可能发现在假日季节中你不得不身兼数职,那可能并不理想,但你会因为能养家糊口而感觉良好。不要让你自己卷入办公室谣言中。昨夜,我看了部罗伯特演老电影,片中与之谈话的传教士说到“谣言是魔鬼的报纸。”我全心全意地相信这一论点。很难远离办公室谣言,因为大家都想知道有什么事在发生,但是,你必须不能产业谣言的传播。更加不能够在其中添油加醋,因为那最终会让你看起来是个烂人。不管是否是事实,你都贡献了一份谣言蔓延所需的能量,这玷污了你自己。这个事件上没什么行为是不会产生反作用力的,这是物理学。 关于此次月食我比较直接,因为同一天天王星也会直行。天王星会带来意想不到的发展并把我们带上令人入迷的高度或是把我们下悬崖的边缘。对于天王星没有什么中间地带(它是圣人的保护神也是主管占星的 天王星在你星图上的家庭宫直行,我不能说只是一个特别的吉兆,因为它给你的亲近之人,特别是那些和你同居一处的亲人带来特别的事件。房产也会被此能量波及,所以这些交易会发生变更或有什么未期之事。如果你在寻找新房子,你可能会发现最好的地皮,某个地方可以给你徜徉的自由或是激发你的奇思妙想。天王星也可能为你家带来新成员,他们可能行为古怪,奇异,领先于时代,但为了什么鬼知道的原因,上帝希望你接纳他们,所以你没选择 我们被圣诞期间直行的木星所保佑,木星是奢侈之星,但就像没有天王星就没有天才和发明一样,没有木星就没有希望,木星是乐观与慷慨之星,所以欢迎它进入你的轻松恋爱宫吧。 木星会在你恋爱,孩子,欢乐和投机的宫位顺行,这对木星是个极好的位置,它会为你带来很多非常美妙的时光,如果你有孩子,千万别过渡溺爱他们,并让他们不停活动,因为它也是个发胖的征兆! 你可以选择你的约会对象,你的社交日程表也会排的满满的,不过要小心,因为虽说木星会把很多人送到你的门口,但其中不乏把你当凯子削的人或是看你好上手罢了。这倒不是说你就不会有乐子了。只是你要警惕点自己,永远要认清动机,总重要的,是找些乐子。 新年之际,一连串的行星顺行了,这意味着在2012年伊始,将不在有回顾,重寻或修补了。我们总是活在当下的,我们的世界也是。如果你觉得这听起来悲哀或可怕,那立即行动就好了,明显的,这是前进的行为方式,或是进行一个新的让世界变得更好的努力。对某些人来说,修补或改变以经太晚了,因为时光不再,或是某人一去不回头。即便如此,我们依然可以从过去的错误学习,面对新的一年,承诺成为我们猫狗眼中的我们。 这是一个沉默着冒险前行的季节,帮助那些你看到的需要帮助的人吧,哪怕只是为你看到的不公正之事写下证言,但是尽你所能,就算那是你无法改变的。走出去给与你从未拥有的无条件的爱吧,因为没人比你更了解那是怎样的压抑了一个人的成长和快乐(MJ太悲催了,原来没被人无条件的爱过啊!)勇敢的站出来,如果你有颗英雄的心就做个英雄吧,就算你从没一个英雄做偶像,我对你有无尽的信任,你能做出看得见摸得着的改变。如果不是为了反抗压迫和压迫者的世界,你是不会有颗勇士之心的。 如果你是个有些迷失于群众之中的领导者,停下来,找到你的道路,然后确实的追寻它,并带领他人走出蒙昧,这是你开始要做的。对于那些自身还没有整合好来完成这个任务的,找些时间,慢下来并疗愈自己。你需要那些思考,平静和安抚。最后,希望你的上帝,或是你信仰的神为你送来指引你道路的天使吧。 从我的家中为你的圣诞节送来许多祝福。 ★★★水瓶座——译者:flametree (校对:MissSusu) 你的守护星天王在本月10日恢复顺行,我向你保证,这值得庆贺。作为容易受到宇宙中行星力量恶劣影响的重要分子,对你来说既好且坏,是把双刃剑。天王是一个问题儿童,可是没有他,世界将变得愚蠢。没错,更蠢。天王创造了一批像莫扎特,爱因斯坦和伦勃朗一样的天才。就算天王星在他们的星图中并不突出,我也不介意,天王允许他们才能涌现,因为它默许了不同的思维方式和不寻常的性格。无论我们如何天赋异禀,如果能力被宇宙扼杀,都难以成功。但是宇宙并没有消灭它们,天赋被时代所拥抱,而那些处于其它时代的可没有如此幸运。 在世俗层面,对你来说,因天王的顺行,一切都变得更好。你可以大有作为并且感受良好。天王正在你掌管你关于邻居、亲戚、短期休假、教师、语法学校研修、交通和通讯的第三宫白羊座前行。当怪人们获得力量,期待邻里变化。不幸的是,如果你有个相当古怪的邻居,他们也许会跻身显赫,你不免得与之有更多交流。 如果你的孩子在上小学,可能和老师之间有一些特殊情况。或者出现一位天赋极高的老师,ta对你的小孩在学校到底是装装样子还是认真学习将会产生深远影响。如果你的孩子不喜欢上学,你唯有在家亲自上阵,多施以既符合其兴趣又引起其兴致的教育模式。如果你的孩子喜欢这样,也许邻居的小孩儿也会爱上这种你给与的开放性学习,所以,如果他们不调皮捣蛋,把他们也捎上吧。天知道你的所作所为会对他人造成多么深远的影响,尤其是孩子们。 12月25日,圣诞节,木星会在你的阳光房(家庭宫)顺行,它掌管家庭、住所和假期里我们热爱念及的所有温暖而美味的事物。嗯,相信在我们的脑海里,至少浮现如此种种:空气中肉桂飘香,宾克罗斯比和西纳特拉得的圣诞颂歌余音绕梁(为了生动点,我把乔什?格罗班也加进去了),壁炉里的火焰翻腾喧闹,地板上的包装纸排列成行。但是常常,我们看着那盛宴,想起了此行的意义和真正相关的人。其他宗教在何时举行像我们这样与教众一起欢度的充满温暖之光的朝圣盛会,我并不知道。本季请享受木星为你的家居带来的美妙恩赐吧。 伴随新年(圣诞节)而来的是所有行星都将顺行,2012之始将不会再有任何的回访,重寻,抑或翻新之举。此时此刻,我们的生活恰如所想,世界也是如此。如果那对你来说是个可怕或伤感的想法,现在就以一种高调前行的态度行动起来,重新努力令你的世界更美好,也未尝不晚。可对某些人,改换修补都显太迟,全因斯人远去,或时不再来。即便如此,我们仍能从错误中吸取教训,以一种势必不负宠物仰望的姿态,面对即将到来的新年。 本季适合静静冒险,以及为有需要的人伸出援手,哪怕仅是将你目击的罪恶写下来。但尽管你这样做了,你也并不能改变什么。站出来做个人间真情的表率吧,那种你从未得到过的如斯真情,因为没人比你更了解压抑是如何滋长,也没人比你更懂幸福。如果你有成为英雄之心,即使你心中从没有一个榜样去教你怎么做,也请勇敢站出来。我对你有莫大的信心,你会有能力做出看得见的改变。如果不是选中你去征服这世上丑陋的压迫行径,你就不会有颗斗士之心。若你是在人群中迷失的领头人:停下来,重新找到正确的方向并追随,像你从开始就应该做的那样,带领其他人走出这片茫然之境。对于某些力有不逮者,放慢脚步,花时间治愈。思考,平静,安抚对你都有所值。最后,祝你的神(或我的,如果你的神已迷失)派天使相助于你的旅途。 这个圣诞,我谨聊赠以遥远的祝福。 ★★★双鱼座——译者: Rosana 10号的月全食将点亮你的家庭,以及与房产相关的任何可能事宜。这是一次全食,因此准备好收到来自家庭成员的消息吧,可能让你非常开怀抑或极其悲摧。如果你还没留心家事,宇宙就正在告诉你必须关注了。这可不是个小小要求,而是命令。 同一天天王星,代表疯狂、天才或者疯狂的天才之星将要顺行了。这是一种潜藏的关联并且我们很难忽略它。这对你来说当然非常重要了因为天王星的顺行稳固地落在你的2宫代表收入、伦理和道德宫。2 宫是你个人的伦理道德宫,而9宫则代表更多神秘且飘渺的外在世界的哲学,我们从那里获得个人的伦理规范。2宫也提供了你的世界观的轮廓。它们合乎理性且自成体系吗?它们源自何处?这里你不需要借着宗教教条的庄严名义,或是(声称)源自于你个人意识中苏醒的灵性。有的人比如Bernie Madoff 和 Jeff Skilling(译著:这俩人是两个金融界大亨)无视所有这些议题却仍然拥有良好的2宫…(译著:唉,俩有钱人不懂哲学也有票票呀…)把你的生活建基于某种外在事物或者流年天王星的运行上会遭报应的,并会给你的生活带来你不喜欢的意外。去走一条更体面的道路吧,你会发现你从非常来源收到了飞来横财。(译著:这是警告鱼儿赚钱不要指望不靠谱的门路吗)你能利用你的人脉拓展你的才智,提过社交展现你的天才,因此去提高你的能力吧。 圣诞节那天木星将在代表你的邻居、社团、教师和亲戚宫里顺行。你们的才能将大幅提高,并把你和那些能与你产生共鸣的人们联系起来。就这一点来说,今年是社交上大丰收的一年。 如果你选择领导一个社团或邻里联盟,要把木星赋予你的各种仁慈品质铭记在心,这样你就能站稳根基了,可以承受的住生命中即使最严酷的考验。 原文: ★★★12月星象纵览——译者: Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Joyous whatever you believe! December is definitely going to be full of sparks and sparkle. All that has been hung up, buried and bereft will come back to life with full vigor. However, I still will ask that we maintain caution in all travel due to the mixture of a Mercury and Uranus direct movement between the 8th and 13th. Mercury is about communication, vehicular travel and general mobility issues. Mercury is also our intellect, so when this planet goes backwards, or rather, appears to here upon Earth, our thought processes are slowed as is our travel and general agility and mobility. However, while we must be diligent and plan for all contingencies while travelling, these energies are very good for other things; such as research, revisiting past interests and issues; revamping theories and ideologies and visiting places and people from your past. Additionally we add the direction of Uranus to this mix. Uranus is one of my favorite planets because it is the mark of genius and those who take “the road less travelled by” to quote the poem by Robert Frost. Uranus is a rather dual force, in that, it can indicate complete rebellion and anarchy, but it is also what makes us follow the dictates of our hearts letting no one dismiss the call of our souls. Most of those who achieve great things deviate from the normal, well-trod avenues of life to seek their own special calling or avocation. Uranus is the ruler of electronics and electricity, change and the unexpected, as well as Mother Nature and the hand of God. When a stationary/direct Mercury and a stationary/direct Uranus meet up the word of the day is “unpredictable”. Yes, it can certainly bring insights, extraordinary genius and serendipity instigating the most fabulous events which transform our lives. But it is also dangerous. Not danger from evil, but rather, danger from inattention, unexpected situations and lackadaisical attitudes. This includes clouded intellect, unusual events and restricted mobility. If you must travel between the 8th and 15th keep your eyes open, do routine maintenance on all vehicles and get a good night’s sleep if you are the driver or navigator. The 8-15 is the worst time, in general, though in your personal chart you might have a trigger point that extends this time exponentially. So, we have Uranus going direct on the 10th, Mercury going direct on the 13th. This is a nice change once these two planets regain their normal speed, especially for Gemini, Virgo and Aquarius. However, not only is Uranus going direct on the 10th, there is also a lunar eclipse on that same day. This is a really big deal my friends, and I am guessing that there will be news of some sort. Anything from an announcement of someone expecting a baby or other family addition, to news regarding your home town or country, as the moon rules all of these things. The past, nostalgia and sentimentality will be in attendance, but should not bring melancholy pangs because it is in the sign of Gemini, which is of a much lighter-hearted nature. This lunar eclipse is considered a total eclipse and will occur at approximately 18 degrees of Gemini. According to Time & Date this eclipse will pass over Alaska, northern Canada, Australia, New Zealand, central Asia and eastern Asia. Being a total lunar eclipse, this should be a very beautiful sight and can certainly bring some wondrous feelings to light. Lunar eclipses are personal and emotional in nature and what better time to be personal and emotional than during the holiday season? Anything “lunar” has to do with families and nurturing types. Gemini is a planet of intellect and the happy-go-lucky. Gemini brings people into our lives, teachers (grammar school), neighbors, roommates, car pool mates and the “locals”. There will be ample opportunity to go forth and be joyous with those in your immediate sphere. For some, this will herald the entrance of the love of their life, a place to call their forever home or multiple opportunities to attend to the life events pertaining to the house in your natal chart in which it falls. Yes, again I must speak of love because I believe in it, especially at this time of year. As December commences, holiday romance is most certainly a portent. The first week of December can bring the sweet high of reciprocated adoration your way. All of those holiday parties can bring the warm fuzzies to a few lucky couples. These are inherent in the minor auspices in play. However, for those who have collaborative energies in their chart, particularly those that mix with that lovely lunar eclipse, even the direct motion of Uranus and Mercury (and Jupiter, but we haven’t talked about him yet) this can signal such a wonderful love that I dare not deign to lessen it with words. No, I’m not kidding. Or being sarcastic. Many people have paired up for life during the holidays, including me and mine. As a final major heavenly event, generous, beneficent Lucky Jupiter, will also go forward on Christmas Day! Jupiter is a very extravagant energy force, and while he was retrograde we have seen the decline in fortunes of several countries, including Italy and Greece. Jupiter in Taurus can be accused of taking the easy way out in many cases, and perhaps living beyond ones means. However, this energy is also capable of extremely hard work, exceptional common sense and grounded thinking. This holiday season will likely bring some of the more simple pleasures of life to us. Hot cocoa, a cozy fire and Christmas carols with those we love along with a thoughtful gift or two can be enough. If you are specially blessed, please share with those who are not. I expect we will see governments looking for leaders who have a track record of business savvy and are tough enough to implement measures to get budgets back on track. People will not like these austerity measures, which could be implemented in the first quarter of 2012. By the end of the first quarter and into the second, there will be those who wish to usurp these measures, making empty promises that can’t be accomplished as stated. The facts are that governments can’t afford to give things away because either these programs were poorly thought out and encompass too many services, or because of mishandling of resources funding them. I am all for a minimal or core level of services, including health care, to be in place. However, they should probably be mostly preventative and exiguous in nature. People have to be responsible for their lives if they desire any freedoms. I have no problem with the precept that everyone should be made to set aside monies for their whole family to have insurance nor that it should be mandatory. I’m sorry, but God, no matter which major religion you adhere to, tells us to work for what we have and not expect handouts except in very extenuating circumstances of catastrophic proportion. Poor decisions or poor planning on your part do not constitute you getting a significant part of another's hard earned income. Everyone having an equal share dooms us all to mediocrity because it doesn't reward those who work harder or have a gift, hence a viable, salable commodity. Until we no longer have a world of finite resources where talent and money don’t matter, people are not going to be treated the same. Kids and contagions are the only essential areas of focus for government expeditures, along with those who are too disabled to fend for themselves. We must make sure they have a chance at a decent life. And in the case of the children, getting them out of homes where they don’t and are in danger, if not for their lives, than of their minds, needs to be part of the foundational plan for all societies. These are all issues on the table for the coming years my friends. As our population increases and our resources diminish we will have to choose what is important for our cultures to thrive, not just survive. So, for those who pray and believe in a Higher Power than themselves, this season I hope we all remember the larger dilemmas upon the Earth and ask God to point the way forward for us. And perhaps whisper in the ears of the world’s leaders the right path, even if it be a “road less traveled”. ★★★白羊座——译者: The lunar eclipse on the 10th will brighten up your solar 3rd house bringing your extended family to mind and taking you out into your neighborhood or community for an event. There will likely be some enlightening communications. On this same date Uranus goes direct. Uranus was very prominently placed in Aries solar chart this year, bringing the potential for it having been an epic year of changes. If you have an Aries ascendant this extraordinary Uranus placement will be accurate in your natal chart as well. Nothing in your life will ever be the same for you, for these changes are as bold and beautiful as you are! All of your eccentricities and personal genius will shine brightly for the world to see. Uranus will have made you a tough competitor too, and people will most certainly think twice about contending with you from now on. Your appearance has likely undergone some changes, and perhaps your health, but hopefully not to a hugely negative extent. The colors and styles you used to like to wear could have changed and you will be more drawn to styles which are much more unique and avant garde. Later in the month (Christmas Day) Jupiter is going to resume forward motion, making your generous spirit available for the holidays. All of these auspices have been waiting in the wings during 2011 and by the beginning of 2012 you will be in a very different place, either literally or figuratively, than you were in 2010 and 2011. Jupiter’s forward movement will plant this benevolent planet in your house of earned income. This is setting up many opportunities for you to make a good deal of money if you so desire. There may be a number of expenditures designed to make your life bigger and better than it currently is. Extravagance is one potential, so make sure you can afford all of this bliss. As the New Year rolls in all of the planets will be moving forward, there will be no revisiting, researching or revamping to be done as 2012 commences. Our lives are what they are supposed to be at this point and time, and so is our world. If that is a scary or sad thought to you, it is never too late to act, in an overt, forward moving manner, to start a new endeavor that will make your world a better place. For some, it may be too late to change or make amends because doing so involves a time or a person that is lost to us. Even so, we can still learn from those mistakes and face the coming year with a new commitment to be the person our dog or cat believes we are. Tis the season to quietly venture forth and do good deeds for those whom you see have a need; even if it is just to write about the iniquity you have witnessed, but try as you might, you could not change. Go out and be the unconditional love you never had, for no one understands better than you do how that inhibits growth and happiness. Boldly step forward and be a hero if you have the heart of a hero, even if you never had a role model to show you how to be one. I have every faith in you to be able to make a tangible difference. You wouldn’t have a warrior’s heart if it wasn’t meant for you to conquer the ugly oppressors and oppressions of the world. If you are a leader but have somehow become lost in the herd: Stop. Find your path again, then follow it truly and lead others out of the wilderness as you were meant to do from the start. For those who are not Whole enough to do any of this, take some time to slow down and Heal. You are worthy of consideration, peace and comfort. Finally, may your God, or mine if yours is MIA, send the Angels to aide you in Your journey. Many Blessings from my Home to yours this Christmas season! ★★★金牛座——译者: Uranus and Mercury both go forward the second week of December and this event will involve your 8th and 12th houses. Odd combo that. On a very instinctive level this could be quite primordial, given that the 8th house rules all that is taboo and the 12th house rules secrets, fantasy and escapism, well, and prisons and institutionalization. Obviously this can be interpreted in a number of ways, but we will avoid those associations which deviate into the lines of foot fetishes involving the secret stalking of women with bunions. A safer route of interpretation involves your financial situation. If you belong to some kind of a secret brotherhood or sisterhood you might be asked to keep or cook the books for them. Stay in your comfort zone and don’t let some smooth talker use your genius for evil. The lunar eclipse will highlight another financial house, which likely will bring some issues regarding your fluid resources to light. Hopefully this will be a nice little windfall that will allow you to do something extra special for the holidays. The other side of this eclipse has to do with the ethics of how you make your living. If it is a less than savory method, expect to see Mr. Marley this Christmas season. If your life is above the need of chains, then your generous nature will bring you many blessings based upon the gifts you have given others. Jupiter going direct on the 25th is going to put you in the spotlight. You will likely be the center of attention wherever you go and other worthy characters in your life are in need of your special sparkle and effervescence now. Even if you can’t afford to be extravagant , others just want to be near you. If your coffers are bare use your manual dexterity to build someone something awesome or utilize your practical gifts in another way. As the New Year rolls in all of the planets will be moving forward, there will be no revisiting, researching or revamping to be done as 2012 commences. Our lives are what they are supposed to be at this point and time, and so is our world. If that is a scary or sad thought to you, it is never too late to act, in an overt, forward moving manner, to start a new endeavor that will make your world a better place. For some, it may be too late to change or make amends because doing so involves a time or a person that is lost to us. Even so, we can still learn from those mistakes and face the coming year with a new commitment to be the person our dog or cat believes we are. Tis the season to quietly venture forth and do good deeds for those whom you see have a need; even if it is just to write about the iniquity you have witnessed, but try as you might, you could not change. Go out and be the unconditional love you never had, for no one understands better than you do how that inhibits growth and happiness. Boldly step forward and be a hero if you have the heart of a hero, even if you never had a role model to show you how to be one. I have every faith in you to be able to make a tangible difference. You wouldn’t have a warrior’s heart if it wasn’t meant for you to conquer the ugly oppressors and oppressions of the world. If you are a leader but have somehow become lost in the herd: Stop. Find your path again, then follow it truly and lead others out of the wilderness as you were meant to do from the start. For those who are not Whole enough to do any of this, take some time to slow down and Heal. You are worthy of consideration, peace and comfort. Finally, may your God, or mine if yours is MIA, send the Angels to aide you in Your journey. Many Blessings from my Home to yours this Christmas season! ★★★双子座——译者: There is a lunar eclipse in your sign on the same day that Uranus goes direct after having been retrograde since the 9th of July. This is an explosive combination which is apt to bring some unsettling or exciting emotions into your world. There is every possibility that you could be “front and center”, basking in some sort of attention. With the spotlight on you, make sure you look your best and watch your glib commentary. This family of eclipses (between your sign and Sagittarius, so pay attention to the dates of eclipses in that sign too) will continue into 2013. Note that there will be eclipses in your sign on 5/20/12 and 11/28/12. The last eclipse in your sign’s family will occur on May 25, 2013 and it will be in Sagittarius. All of these dates signify times when you are being given a chance to pay attention to an area of life that might be being neglected or out of kilter somehow. The Universe is very kind about allowing us warning of times when the things we do will make a difference in our future and the futures of those we love. Uranus has been ensconced in your friendship, humanitarian and hopes house, bringing changes to your friends lives and to whom you can truly call friend. Hopefully it has brought some effervescent people into your life to enliven it. Perhaps it has affected what it is you are hoping for in this life. If no, this eclipse could bring things into focus for you on the 10th. Jupiter will go direct on the 25th after having been retrograde since the end of August. Hopefully you have been saving money during that time because as Jupiter moves direct there may be more necessary expenditures. However, it will also bring back the boundless possibilities for our lives. This will be enhanced on the 22nd when one of the best transits lights up Jupiter’s pending direct motion. This will be a powerfully special day for you, hopefully bringing an added income into your life via your partner or perhaps you will add a new account to your current business, especially if you manage the monies of others. You have a great deal of magnetism now and will draw others to you, some of whom will be able to offer you significant assistance, perhaps in the form of a government administrator or hospital personnel. You could be offered a position of prominence on a board of a large institution. Even if nothing like this happens, know that you can open doors which you thought to be closed to you now. As the New Year rolls in all of the planets will be moving forward, there will be no revisiting, researching or revamping to be done as 2012 commences. Our lives are what they are supposed to be at this point and time, and so is our world. If that is a scary or sad thought to you, it is never too late to act, in an overt, forward moving manner, to start a new endeavor that will make your world a better place. For some, it may be too late to change or make amends because doing so involves a time or a person that is lost to us. Even so, we can still learn from those mistakes and face the coming year with a new commitment to be the person our dog or cat believes we are. Tis the season to quietly venture forth and do good deeds for those whom you see have a need; even if it is just to write about the iniquity you have witnessed, but try as you might, you could not change. Go out and be the unconditional love you never had, for no one understands better than you do how that inhibits growth and happiness. Boldly step forward and be a hero if you have the heart of a hero, even if you never had a role model to show you how to be one. I have every faith in you to be able to make a tangible difference. You wouldn’t have a warrior’s heart if it wasn’t meant for you to conquer the ugly oppressors and oppressions of the world. If you are a leader but have somehow become lost in the herd: Stop. Find your path again, then follow it truly and lead others out of the wilderness as you were meant to do from the start. For those who are not Whole enough to do any of this, take some time to slow down and Heal. You are worthy of consideration, peace and comfort. Finally, may your God, or mine if yours is MIA, send the Angels to aide you in Your journey. Many Blessings from my Home to yours this Christmas season! ★★★巨蟹座——译者: The total lunar eclipse in Gemini and Uranus’ direct motion on the 10th will probably bring some deeply felt situations to your doorstep: Primarily because the moon is your signs ruler and therefore when there are planetary happenings involving the moon, you are apt to feel it even when your sign is not involved. Having Uranus go direct on the same day as the lunar eclipse is certainly a noteworthy energy signature. Uranus is a planet of immediacy and more than any other, will show its force when transits are exact. This is why when astrologers do not know a person’s birth time, transiting Uranus is used to rectify natal charts. So with a lunar eclipse to boost Uranus’ direction, I expect the 10th will be a very interesting day (give or take a day on either side of the 10th). This lunar eclipse is in the sign of chatty, dualistic Gemini, not a particularly compatible sign with your own. The eclipse will be sequestered in your house of secrets and the direction of Uranus will be sitting at the tip top of your solar chart. With Uranus sitting upon your midheaven there have likely been changes made with regard to your career path and your status. People of power may have entered your life quite suddenly, bringing with them vast, sweeping changes. If nothing like this has occurred for you this year, then batten down your hatches because the 10th could be the signal for a perfect storm. If you wish to join a profession which allows you to be an everyday hero, such as a member of the police force, an emergency room employee, firefighter, paramedic, soldier or charitable organization worker, then this is the perfect time to make that transition. Perhaps the eclipse is taking place in your house of hidden happenings because you need to keep your application process to join one of these organizations a secret from your current employer. If you are traveling for your career during the middle of the month take extra time, double check all arrangements and expect delays. Last minute shopping is encouraged this year due to Mercury going direct on the 13th, but it will take at least a week for this trickster planet to regain his momentum. The 22nd is going to be one of the most lovely days of the year as one of the most wonderful transits in the heavens triggers the impending direct motion (on the 25th) of beneficent Jupiter. You could receive a compliment that sends you over the moon, or get invited to a spectacular holiday party or find the most perfect gift for the most perfect person in the world! A special few of you could spend the perfect evening with your significant other or meet your future life partner, probably through a group to which you belong or by way of a mutual friend. As the New Year rolls in all of the planets will be moving forward, there will be no revisiting, researching or revamping to be done as 2012 commences. Our lives are what they are supposed to be at this point and time, and so is our world. If that is a scary or sad thought to you, it is never too late to act, in an overt, forward moving manner, to start a new endeavor that will make your world a better place. For some, it may be too late to change or make amends because doing so involves a time or a person that is lost to us. Even so, we can still learn from those mistakes and face the coming year with a new commitment to be the person our dog or cat believes we are. Tis the season to quietly venture forth and do good deeds for those whom you see have a need; even if it is just to write about the iniquity you have witnessed, but try as you might, you could not change. Go out and be the unconditional love you never had, for no one understands better than you do how that inhibits growth and happiness. Boldly step forward and be a hero if you have the heart of a hero, even if you never had a role model to show you how to be one. I have every faith in you to be able to make a tangible difference. You wouldn’t have a warrior’s heart if it wasn’t meant for you to conquer the ugly oppressors and oppressions of the world. If you are a leader but have somehow become lost in the herd: Stop. Find your path again, then follow it truly and lead others out of the wilderness as you were meant to do from the start. For those who are not Whole enough to do any of this, take some time to slow down and Heal. You are worthy of consideration, peace and comfort. Finally, may your God, or mine if yours is MIA, send the Angels to aide you in Your journey. Many Blessings from my Home to yours this Christmas season! ★★★狮子座——译者: The total lunar eclipse in Gemini on the 10th is lighting up your hopes and wishes house and giving you insights about a few folk you call friend. Gemini is a dualistic sign, therefore a friend could be saying one thing to you and another behind your back. With the assistance of the eclipse you can decipher their intent and act accordingly. Also on the 10th Uranus, planet of shocks, coincidence and excitement, will move into direct motion. So this is a rather huge combination and it isn’t likely that it will go by unnoticed by any of us. For you, the serendipity will be found abroad, perhaps in some exotic foreign land. Not a world traveler? That’s okay, there are other options to be found in the halls of higher education or amongst groups of fellow philosophers. Uranus brings sudden changes in fortune, so you could find yourself associating with very influential people. These people will likely be very different from people you are used to being around and they could be eccentric or progressive, introducing your mind to thoughts and ideas which you have never contemplated. The Universe would have you do so, so open your mind to these new concepts. In some cases, after much study, this can signal that you have the potential to become an expert in your field of thought. Having the planet of genius in your house of complex thinking is definitely a wonderful auspice for gaining knowledge, and maybe even teaching what you know to others. One other possibility is that you will meet someone who again, is very different than the people who usually attract you. This is only pertinent for those of you who are once divorced as the 9th house rules second marriages. If a person enters your life under these conditions you do need to get to know them before you form an opinion. Uranus is indicative of extreme intelligence in some cases, but is also the patron saint of weirdoes and crazies. Which certainly doesn’t negate a good time! In looking for your future spouse, you might take a trip to a distant clime, join a church or synagogue or enroll in some college classes. Jupiter is moving forward this month, on Christmas Day: Which is a perfect auspice for that beautiful day of generosity and hope. You will be hugely blessed by this forward movement as it brings you opportunities for great advancement in your career. Expect job opportunities to come up out of the blue. And given the power of Uranus, this could come from a foreign company or one that is some distance from your current home. The Universe has opened this door to you, do not be afraid to walk through it. For those who have lived in the same locale all their life, you really need to take this job or other opportunity, even if it takes you out of your comfort zone. The nodes will attest that this is your path, so be open to all new experience. As the New Year rolls in all of the planets will be moving forward, there will be no revisiting, researching or revamping to be done as 2012 commences. Our lives are what they are supposed to be at this point and time, and so is our world. If that is a scary or sad thought to you, it is never too late to act, in an overt, forward moving manner, to start a new endeavor that will make your world a better place. For some, it may be too late to change or make amends because doing so involves a time or a person that is lost to us. Even so, we can still learn from those mistakes and face the coming year with a new commitment to be the person our dog or cat believes we are. Tis the season to quietly venture forth and do good deeds for those whom you see have a need; even if it is just to write about the iniquity you have witnessed, but try as you might, you could not change. Go out and be the unconditional love you never had, for no one understands better than you do how that inhibits growth and happiness. Boldly step forward and be a hero if you have the heart of a hero, even if you never had a role model to show you how to be one. I have every faith in you to be able to make a tangible difference. You wouldn’t have a warrior’s heart if it wasn’t meant for you to conquer the ugly oppressors and oppressions of the world. If you are a leader but have somehow become lost in the herd: Stop. Find your path again, then follow it truly and lead others out of the wilderness as you were meant to do from the start. For those who are not Whole enough to do any of this, take some time to slow down and Heal. You are worthy of consideration, peace and comfort. Finally, may your God, or mine if yours is MIA, send the Angels to aide you in Your journey. Many Blessings from my Home to yours this Christmas season! ★★★处女座——译者: The total lunar eclipse in Gemini on the 10th is lighting up your career house like a Christmas tree my Virgo friends. Eclipses bring us insights and some emotional moments, or perhaps sentimentality. If you are leaving a job now, you may feel these last two sensations as you say good-bye to one life and begin anew. Another possibility is that one of your supervisors or other person of influence in your career will make an announcement that affects you personally. A few of you could be asked to speak in public or represent your family or homeland in some way. Additionally, on the 10th, we will feel the direct motion of Uranus. Uranus is the one planet, especially of the slower moving planets, that we can feel his movements with some immediacy. If this forward motion is hitting a personal planet in your natal chart, you are sure to see fireworks in your life. Uranus is currently in your solar house of power and magnetism. Uranus is a very charismatic energy, so having it in this dynamic house is an auspice of some influence. On a more mundane level, you really need to be diligent in keeping your financial house in order, as in documenting everything for tax purposes. If you manage money for others or if you have a partner with whom you share tax responsibilities you might want to have a sit down together to make sure everything is in order for the end of the quarter or for the next tax season. Uranus is sometimes a harbinger of shocking events and it will do no good to warn of these things because there is no way to lessen this type of event. Just know that any issue pertaining to the 8th house can occur with alacrity that leaves you breathless. Both good and bad, happy and sad things, which are associated with this houses characteristics. The only thing that is for sure is that there will be major changes that happen with lightning speed. Jupiter will also be moving into forward motion on the 25th, just in time to spread good-will and cheer for Christmas! Jupiter will bring you opportunities to mingle with influential types if you so choose, perhaps even heads of state or of your company or university. You could feel the urge to travel abroad now and you couldn’t pick a better time to do so. Jupiter will offer his bounty to you via those of different nationalities and in places far from your home. If you have ever thought about going to college or delving deeper into some esoteric subject, now is the perfect time. Even if you chose not to enter the halls of academia you can still take an advanced study course online or just buy the books and do self-study. The Universe is offer you the opportunity to easily take on a new subject or interest of a philosophical or higher learning type of venue. All you need to do is have the desire to better yourself. As the New Year rolls in all of the planets will be moving forward, there will be no revisiting, researching or revamping to be done as 2012 commences. Our lives are what they are supposed to be at this point and time, and so is our world. If that is a scary or sad thought to you, it is never too late to act, in an overt, forward moving manner, to start a new endeavor that will make your world a better place. For some, it may be too late to change or make amends because doing so involves a time or a person that is lost to us. Even so, we can still learn from those mistakes and face the coming year with a new commitment to be the person our dog or cat believes we are. Tis the season to quietly venture forth and do good deeds for those whom you see have a need; even if it is just to write about the iniquity you have witnessed, but try as you might, you could not change. Go out and be the unconditional love you never had, for no one understands better than you do how that inhibits growth and happiness. Boldly step forward and be a hero if you have the heart of a hero, even if you never had a role model to show you how to be one. I have every faith in you to be able to make a tangible difference. You wouldn’t have a warrior’s heart if it wasn’t meant for you to conquer the ugly oppressors and oppressions of the world. If you are a leader but have somehow become lost in the herd: Stop. Find your path again, then follow it truly and lead others out of the wilderness as you were meant to do from the start. For those who are not Whole enough to do any of this, take some time to slow down and Heal. You are worthy of consideration, peace and comfort. Finally, may your God, or mine if yours is MIA, send the Angels to aide you in Your journey. Many Blessings from my Home to yours this Christmas season! ★★★天枰座——译者: This is a very active month, both for festivities and in heavenly happenings my friendly Libras! On the 10th there will be a lunar eclipse in your house of higher learning, philosophy, foreigners, legal affairs, people of influence and long distance trips. Lunar eclipses bring emotions to light and may bring you into contact with people who are very influential. If you have an important meeting to schedule the 10th might be a good day to hold it as you will see insights that might otherwise be hidden. On this same day (10th) Uranus will move forward, so this is a double whammy of prestige and possibilities. For you, it will likely come to you via your best friend, your business partner or your spouse. As Uranus gains forward momentum it will take up