“最先进的智能汽车”FF 91让影视巨星The Hoff赞不绝口

  美国当地时间7月10日晚间,美国History Channel王牌栏目“Battle of the 80s Supercars with David Hasselhoff”到访Faraday Future总部,影视巨星David Hasselhoff体验FF 91时赞不绝口,连称FF 91是当下最先进的智能汽车,称“《霹雳游侠》当年科幻的超级汽车KITT正在变成现实,FF 91就是2019的KITT!”。

  美国历史频道于1995年开播,是美国最早且最具有影响力的电视频道之一,以公正、权威著称,覆盖美国9800万高学历和高收入家庭,只有真正有竞争力的企业、产品和著名品牌才能有机会获得历史频道的青睐。本次历史频道特别邀请影视巨星David Hasselhoff录制“最先进的超级汽车之战”节目,寻找《霹雳游侠》当年科幻汽车的现实版。

  美国著名影星The Hoff(左一)到访Faraday Future

  The Hoff:FF 91是真正的超级汽车

  The Hoff本人体验了FF 91的车内空间,乘坐并感受了部分智能化功能。

  早在80年代播出的电视剧《霹雳游侠》中,The Hoff就体验过“会说话”的“智能汽车”KITT,这次真实体验FF 91之后,The Hoff彻底被FF 91炫酷的造型、高度智能化的配置和媲美超跑的驾乘体验所震惊,连称“FF 91就是2019年的KITT”!

  FF的工作人员向其介绍,FF 91可以不断自主学习并了解每一位用户的使用习惯,比如工作地点、喜欢听的音乐、座椅加热的温度、驾驶习惯等。每进入一次车内,FF 91就会更了解用户一些。“这令人兴奋,就像电视剧中的KITT那样,FF 91能够了解每一位驾驶者。”The Hoff表示。

  美国历史频道在FF美国总部Futurist Testing Lab录制节目

  FF的员工还带领The Hoff来到一台白色的FF 91面前,David不禁发出赞叹声,称FF 91的空气动力学和线条设计简直太棒了!

  美国著名影星The Hoff惊叹FF 91的空气动力学和线条设计

  随后,The Hoff问:“这车的门把手在哪里?怎么开车门?”。工作人员对着手腕上佩戴的表轻轻发出了开门指令,一瞬间,车门打开。当两扇对开门同时向David敞开的时候,David再度发出惊叹。

  工作人员邀请The Hoff坐到车的后排,体验FF 91独有的“零重力座椅”。身高193cm的他坐在后排一点都不显局促,他连连称体验到了媲美头等舱的感受,按摩功能也令他十分惊喜,头顶全景天窗的清晰视野更是让他发出了“Wow”的赞叹。

  FF 91 AI语音向美国著名影星The Hoff问好

  “这是真正的超级汽车,已经足以打败‘霹雳游侠‘的车!!这是2019年版的KITT!”坐在FF 91后排的The Hoff惊叹当年的科幻都变成了现实。“FF 91呈现了时下最先进的人工智能技术,Faraday Future用想象力和逻辑造出了这样一款超级汽车!”

  美国著名影星The Hoff在节目中对手表控制FF 91表示惊叹

  FF 91量产工作积极推进

  在节目中可以看到, FF的试制车间依然紧张忙碌,因为FF正为FF 91的量产做着积极的准备。


  另外,FF“未来主义者测试中心”也在这次节目中首次曝光。事实上,FF已经启用了这个测试中心两年多,只是一直没有对外公布。测试中心中有大量先进的生产和测试设备,承载了FF 91除路测以外的绝大部分测试和验证工作,同时也是FF 91预量产车的试制中心。


  目前,FF仍拥有一支实力强劲的研发团队,由来自通用的产品开发副总裁Waqar Hashim,特斯拉的生产制造负责人Mark Cuyler,来自Space X的供应链副总裁Pablo Ucar,以及曾在观致担任过研发负责人的研发高级副总裁Matthias Aydt高管成员组成。

  以下为The Hoff在Faraday Future总部体验FF 91视频文字实录:

  The Hoff: There is one company that is developing the ultimate car of the future.


  It’s called Faraday.


  And they are building one of the world’s first artificial intelligence super cars, a Vehicles that will work by voice control, adapt to the driver’s habits and eventually be self-driving.


  And this would be the first time it appears on television.


  It looks like I am coming into a space center, where they are making space ships.


  Good eye David. In fact their design was inspired by Space ships.


  John:Mr Hasselhoff, John.


  The Hoff: John, what do you call this guys?

  The Hoff: John, 怎么称呼这些车?

  John:We call these the FF 91.

  John:我们称他们为FF 91。

  John: Back when KITT was first introduced, it was a cutting-edge car with all the latest and greatest technology.

  当KITT 基特(电影霹雳游侠中的人工智能跑车)首次在电视中亮相的时候,它是一款拥有了最新最先进技术的先锋跑车。

  The Hoff: What’s all this? Looks like Darth Vader’s bathroom.


  John:We believe here at Faraday, that our car is the modern-day KITT.

  在Faraday Future, 我们相信我们的车是现代版的KITT。

  The Hoff: These cars, do they drive themselves?

  The Hoff: 这些车可以自动驾驶吗?

  John:Right now, for testing, we have people that drive them. But one day, they will be able to drive themselves.


  The Hoff: Do they have artificial intelligence? Tell me about them.

  The Hoff: 他们有人工智能吗?多介绍一些。

  John:This car, just like KITT, will actually customize and learn from you over time.

  John:FF 91 就像KITT一样,会随着时间的推移不断了解你并提供定制化的服务。

  John:So when you first get in, it learns what you like to listen to, it learns how high you want the heat, it learns where you go for work, and it gets smarter every single time you use it, so it’s always learning along with you, which is something that we haven’t seen from another other car.

  John:例如,当你第一次进入车内,他会开始学习你喜欢听的音乐,会知道你喜欢设置多高的温度,他会记住你工作的地点在哪里。你越多次使用FF 91,他就会越来越聪明。所以说,他不断地在你的使用过程中自我学习,这也是我们独一无二的优势。

  The Hoff: It will adapt to your personality to your driving abilities.

  The Hoff:所以他会了解你的性格,也了解你的驾驶习惯?

  They will understand who I am as a driver, which KITT did.


  John:Exactly, so actually if you come this way, this white car right here? This is the cream of the crop.


  You’re gonna be getting some looks in this one…


  That’s for sure.


  The Hoff: Wow.

  The Hoff:哇。

  The Hoff: The aerodynamics and the lines of it, you know, are just sleek. They’re electric, correct?

  The Hoff: 空气动力学和车身线条看起来就很棒。他们是电动的,对吗?

  John:They are fully electric, no engine, no gas, just batteries.


  We’ve built these cars for top speed. It has three independent motors. 0-60 for these is under 2.5 seconds, and it’s reached 155 miles an hour. Just about feels like you’re in an airplane sometimes. Over 350 miles of range on the charge.


  The Hoff: Where are the door handles?

  The Hoff: 门把手在哪里?

  John:Let me show you.


  Open all doors.


  The Hoff: Whoa. That is definitely inspired by “Knight Rider.” There’s no handles on the door.

  The Hoff: 哇!这绝对是根据《霹雳游侠》来设计的,门上完全没有把手。

  He controls the whole thing by his watch.


  John:The back seats got the Zero-G seats, so you sit back, feels like you are in the first-class cabin.


  There’s spa mode, which I really wanna show you.


  The Hoff: Oh, my God.

  The Hoff: 我的天哪。

  John:So we really strive to give that executive experience for the passenger.


  The Hoff: Wow. You can see above.

  The Hoff:哇,你可以看到整个天空。

  Man, and the massage –

  天哪,按摩的感觉好棒 –

  Feels like you’re, like, in a cockpit.


  This is truly a supercar.


  This rivals the “Knight Rider” car.


  This is the KITT of 2019.


  Faraday Future, artificial intelligence, state of the art.

  Faraday Future的人工智能是最顶尖的。

  The Hoff: Close all doors.

  The Hoff: 关上所有的门。

  FF 91:Closing all doors.

  FF 91:正在关闭所有的门。

  The Hoff: Wow.

  The Hoff:哇。





  Imagination with logic together creating a supercar.


