
  中国网浪潮资讯  北京时间4月22日,备受瞩目的2017国际旅游小姐大赛浙江总决赛在杭州落幕。

  CNCAO NEWS-Beijing time on 22nd April, the high profile final Miss International Tourism in Zhejiang competition area ended in Hangzhou.



  Beauties were acting belly dance at the competition. Photo by LiJi.


  It is reported that there has competed the top five beauties and five winners of the individual award in this competition. In the end, LuoXinxi from Hunan Province cut a figure and got the final award of the 2017 Miss International Tourism in Zhejiang competition area. The runner-up is HanYing from Shandong and the third winner in contest is Lanrui from Heilongjiang.



  The Swimsuit Show at the competition. Photo by LiJi.


  Next, the brilliant beauty in this competition will represent Zhejiang competition area to participate in the final Miss International Tourism of China area in Chongqing from 19th May to 30th May. And fight the championship of China competition area with beauties from the other competition areas in China.



  The Swimsuit Show at the competition. Photo by LiJi.



  The Miss International Tourism began from 1949, successively held by more than 80 countries in the world. During 13 years from it was introduced into China, it has held international finals for many times in Zhengzhou, Hangzhou, Xi'an, Wuhan and other places in succession. And have cruised in Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Chengdu, Zhengzhou, Fujian and other cities.

  (中国网作者 杨云寒 见习作者 安静 综合报道  张旭/译)