黑客帝国1中英文字幕 南京廖华

  发布时间 : 2023/7/18 8:54:20 星期二 文章黑客帝国1中英文字幕更新完毕开始阅读

  [00:18.52]-Is everything in place? -You weren't supposed to relieve me. (启动通话) [00:18.83]-一切就绪了吗? -今天不是轮到你值班

  [00:22.06]I know. but I felt like taking a shift. 我知道,我只是想接班

  [00:25.23]You like him. don't you? You like watching him. 你喜欢他,对吧?喜欢看着他

  [00:27.90]-Don't be ridiculous. -We're gonna kill him. You understand? -别傻了 -我们会害死他,你知道吗?

  [00:31.20]Morpheus believes he is the One. 莫斐斯相信他是救世主

  [00:33.91]-Do you? -It doesn't matter what I believe. -你信吗? -那并不重要 [00:37.08]You don't. do you? 你不信,对吧?

  [00:38.91]-Did you hear that? -Hear what? -听到了吗? -什么? [00:41.25]Are you sure this line is clean? 你确定没被窃听? [00:43.15]Yeah. of course I'm sure. 我很确定 [00:45.49]I better go. 我得走了

  [01:24.76]-Freeze! Police! -Hands on your head! -别动,警察 -手举起来 [01:27.09]Do it! Do it now! 快点,举起来 [01:49.72]-Lieutenant. -Oh. shit. -警官 -可恶

  [01:53.19]Lieutenant. you were given specific orders. 警官,我给你的指令很明确 [01:56.59]Hey. l'm just doing my job. 我只是公事公办

  [01:58.96]You give me that ''juris-my-dick-tion'' crap. you can cram it up your ass. 要是你给我摆臭架子 你就去死吧

  [02:03.86]The orders were for your protection. 我是为了你们的安全 [02:07.87]l think we can handle one little girl. 我们对付得了一个女人 [02:15.17]l sent two units! 我派了两组警员

  [02:17.18]They're bringing her down now! 他们就要逮到她了

  [02:18.98]No. Lieutenant. your men are already dead. 才怪,警官,他们早就死了 [02:51.31]Shit. 可恶 [02:54.81]Morpheus. the line was traced. l don't know how. 莫斐斯,我的行踪暴露了 [02:57.48]I know. They cut the hard line. 我知道,电话线被切断

  [02:59.35]There's no time. Get to another exit. 来不及了,你得找别的出口 [03:01.79]-Are there any agents? -Yes. -附近有干员吗? -有 [03:04.42]Goddamn it. 该死

  [03:05.86]You have to focus. Trinity. 崔妮蒂,你得专心

  [03:07.63]There's a phone at Wells and Lake. 威斯和雷克街口有电话 [03:10.43]You can make it. 你赶得到 [03:12.30]-All right. -Go. -好 -去吧 [04:16.00]That's impossible. 不可能

  [04:52.13]Get up. Trinity. Just get up. 起来,崔妮蒂 快起来 [04:54.80]Get up. 起来 [05:41.91]She got out. 她逃走了 [05:43.75]lt doesn't matter. 无所谓

  [05:45.25]The informant is real. 线人没说错

  [05:48.55]-We have the name of their next target. -The name is Neo. -我们知道下一个目标 -名字是尼欧 [05:55.53]We'll need a search running. 必须进行搜寻 [05:57.36]lt has already begun. 已经开始了 [06:09.34](搜寻中)

  [06:11.34](莫斐斯逃脱警方围捕) [06:22.15](展开追捕行动) [06:43.11](醒醒,尼欧) [06:54.02]What? 什么? [06:56.12](母体奴役着你) [07:01.03]What the hell? 搞什么? [07:07.27](跟随小白兔)

  [07:10.17]''Follow the white rabbit.'' 跟随小白兔? [07:14.71](退出)

  [07:18.31](有人敲门,尼欧) [07:23.92]Who is it? 什么人? [07:25.32]lt's Choi. 是乔伊 [07:40.13]You're two hours late. 你迟到了两小时

  [07:41.93]-l know. lt's her fault. -You got the money? -我知道,都是她的错 -钱

  呢? [07:46.97]Two grand. 两千元 [07:48.97]Hold on. 等等 [07:56.08]《拟像与仿真》 [08:07.89]Hallelujah. 哈利路亚

  [08:09.56]You're my savior. man. My own personal Jesus Christ. 你是救世主,老兄 你是我的救星 [08:12.63]You get caught using that.... 要是你被逮

  到 [08:14.37]l know. This never happened. You don't exist. 我知道,不能把你抖出来 [08:18.04]-Right. -Something wrong. man? -对 -怎么了? [08:20.34]You look a little whiter than usual. 你的脸色很苍白 [08:23.51]My computer. it.... 我的电脑

  [08:28.68]You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming? 你会不会觉得 自己在半梦半醒之间?

  [08:34.12]All the time. lt's called mescaline. 每次嗑了药就有这种感觉 [08:37.32]lt's the only way to fly. 让你腾云驾雾

  [08:39.69]Hey. look. it just sounds like you might need to unplug. man. 听起来你得发泄发泄 [08:43.56]You know? Get some R and R? 休息一下

  吧 [08:45.97]What do you think. Dujour? Should we take him with us? 怎么样?带他去好吗? [08:51.70]Definitely. 当然好

  [08:53.21]No. l can't. l have work tomorrow. 不行,明天我得上班 [08:56.84]Come on. 来吧

  [08:58.28]lt'll be fun. l promise. 一定会很好玩,我保证 [09:07.42]Yeah. 好 [09:09.79]Sure. l'll go. 我去 [09:39.32]Hello. Neo. 你好,尼欧

  [09:41.79]How do you know that name? 你知道我名字? [09:43.52]l know a lot about you. 我知道的很多

  [09:46.23]-Who are you? -My name is Trinity. -你是谁? -我叫崔妮蒂 [09:49.23]Trinity. 崔妮蒂

  [09:52.23]The Trinity? That cracked the lRS D-base? 不就是侵入国税局的电脑骇客 [09:55.67]That was a long time ago. 那是很久以前 [09:57.40]-Jesus. -What? -天啊 -怎么了? [09:59.77]l just thought... 我以为

  [10:03.34]-...you were a guy. -Most guys do. -你是男的 -男人都这么想 [10:07.41]That was you on my computer. 你侵入我的电

  脑 [10:10.25]-How did you do that? -Right now. all l can tell you... -怎么办到的? -现在我只能告诉你 [10:15.29]...is that you're in danger. 你有危险

  [10:17.29]-l brought you here to warn you. -Of what? -我是来警告你 -什么危险? [10:20.29]They're watching you. Neo. 他们在监视你,尼欧 [10:22.73]-Who is? -Please. just listen. -谁? -听我说

  [10:28.50]l know why you're here. Neo. 我知道你来的目

  的 [10:31.14]l know what you've been doing. 还有你在做什么 [10:33.37]l know why you hardly sleep... 我知道你辗转难

  眠 [10:35.54]...why you live alone. and why. night after night... 每天晚上都独自一个人

  [10:38.88]...you sit at your computer. 坐在电脑前工作 [10:42.38]You're looking for him. 你在找他 [10:44.68]l know. because l was once looking for the same thing. 我也曾找过同一个人 [10:48.25]And when he found me... 当他找到我

  [10:50.99]...he told me l wasn't really looking for him... 他说其实我不是在找他 [10:54.99]...l was looking for an answer. 而是寻找一个答

  案 [10:57.36]lt's the question that drives us. Neo. 有个问题驱使着我们,尼欧 [11:01.13]lt's the question that brought you here. 这问题把你带来这里

  [11:05.94]You know the question... 你我 [11:07.57]...just as l did. 都知道这个问题 [11:10.58]What is the Matrix? 母体是什么?

  [11:12.44]The answer is out there. Neo. 世上一定有答案,尼欧

  [11:15.58]lt's looking for you. 它在寻找你 [11:18.42]And it will find you... 只要你愿意

  [11:20.35]...if you want it to. 它就会找到你 [11:28.73]Shit. 该死 [11:30.23]Shit. shit. 该死该死

  [11:41.71]You have a problem with authority. Mr. Anderson. 安德森先生,你很叛逆

  [11:44.81]You believe that you are special. that somehow the rules do not apply to you. 你自以为很特别 可以不遵守公司的规定

  [11:49.58]Obviously. you are mistaken. 很显然,你错了

  [11:54.45]This is one of the top software companies in the world... 这是世界顶尖的软体公司 [11:57.66]...because every employee understands they are part of a whole. 每个员工都是小螺丝钉 [12:01.29]Thus. if an employee has a problem. the company has a problem. 只要一个员工出错 公司就会出毛病 [12:08.20]The time has come to make a choice. Mr. Anderson. 你现在有两个选择 安德森先生 [12:12.30]Either you choose to be at your desk on time from this day forth... 从今天起准时到公司上班 [12:16.81]...or you choose to find yourself another job. 或是另谋高就 [12:20.25]Do l make myself clear? 你明白吗?

  [12:21.81]Yes. Mr. Rhineheart. Perfectly clear. 是的,我完全明白

  [12:32.69]Thomas Anderson? 汤犸斯安德森吗? [12:35.83]Yeah. that's me. 我就是 [12:45.20]Great. 太好了

  [12:47.81]Have a nice day. 祝你愉快 [13:04.86]-Hello? -Hello. Neo. -喂? -尼欧

  [13:07.03]Do you know who this is? 你知道我是谁吗? [13:11.40]-Morpheus. -Yes. -莫斐斯 -是的 [13:13.40]I've been looking for you. Neo. 我一直在找你

  [13:15.63]I don't know if you're ready to see what I want to show you... 我不知道你准备好了没有 [13:19.07]...but. unfortunately. you and I have run out of time. 不过我们恐怕没时间了

  [13:22.51]They're coming for you. Neo. and I don't know what they're going to do. 他们来抓你 尼欧,后果不堪设想

  [13:26.48]Who's coming for me? 谁来抓我? [13:28.05]Stand up and see for yourself. 站起来自己看 [13:30.38]What? Right now? 什么?现在吗? [13:32.15]Yes. Now. 对 现在

  [13:35.52]Do it slowly. 慢慢站起来 [13:37.86]The elevator. 电梯那边 [13:43.96]-Oh. shit! -Yes. -糟糕 -没错

  [13:50.44]-What do they want? -I don't know. -他们抓我干嘛? -不知道

  [13:52.34]But if you don't want to find out. get out of there. 如果不想被逮 我建议你快逃

  [13:55.54]-How? -I can guide you... -怎么逃? -我教你 [13:56.98]...but you must do exactly as I say. 不过你得听话

  [13:59.81]-Okay. -The cubicle across from you is empty. -好 -对面是空的 [14:05.58]-But what if they--? -Go. Now. -要是他们 -快去 [14:14.49]Stay here for just a moment. 先待在这里躲一

  下 [14:24.10]When I tell you. go to the end of the row... 等我下令就走出去 [14:27.01]...to the office at the end of the hall. 到走廊尽头的办公室 [14:29.27]Stay as low as you can. 尽量趴低点

  [14:33.85]Go. Now. 去吧

  [14:49.56]Good. Now. outside there is a scaffold. 很好,现在外面有个洗窗架

  [14:55.67]-How do you know all this? -We don't have time. -你是怎么知道的? -来不及了,尼欧 [14:58.30]To your left there's a window. Go to it. 左手边有窗户,快点 [15:03.41]Open it. 打开

  [15:05.74]Use the scaffold to get to the roof. 用洗窗架上到屋顶 [15:07.81]No way! No way! This is crazy! 不行,太疯狂

  了 [15:10.65]There are two ways out of this building. 只有两个方法能出去

  [15:13.25]One is that scaffold. The other is in their custody. 爬上洗窗架或是被他们带走 [15:17.36]You take a chance either way. I leave it to you. 都很危险,你自己决定 [15:24.16]This is insane! 太疯狂了

  [15:27.07]Why is this happening to me? 怎么会有这种事? [15:29.23]What'd l do? 我干了什么? [15:31.24]l'm nobody. l didn't do anything. 我是小人物,什么也没干

  [15:34.57]l'm gonna die. 我死定了 [15:45.75]Shit! 该死 [16:07.07]Oh. shit! 该死 [16:13.25]l can't do this. 我办不到 [16:27.76]Shit. 可恶

  [17:17.98]As you can see. we've had our eye on you for some time now. Mr. Anderson. 如你所见 我们已经注意你很久了

  [17:24.12]lt seems that you've been living... 看来你一直有 [17:26.99]...two lives. 两种身份 [17:30.56]ln one life. you're Thomas A. Anderson... 其中一个是汤犸斯安德森

  [17:33.29]...program writer for a respectable software company. 软体公司的程式工程师 [17:37.70]You have a social security number. You pay your taxes. 你有社会安全号码,也纳税 [17:41.40]And you... 还有

  [17:44.27]...help your landlady carry out her garbage. 你会帮房东太太倒垃圾 [17:50.41]The other life is lived in computers... 另一个你活在电脑中

  [17:53.78]...where you go by the hacker alias ''Neo'' ... 使用的骇客代号是尼欧

  [17:57.02]...and are guilty of virtually every computer crime we have a law for. 几乎犯下每项电脑犯罪 [18:03.16]One of these lives... 你其中一个身份 [18:05.32]...has a future. 有前瞻性的未来 [18:07.49]And one of them does not. 另一个则没有

  [18:13.20]l'm going to be as forthcoming as l can be. Mr. Anderson. 我就直话直说吧,安德森 [18:18.07]You're here... 找你来,是因为

  [18:19.74]...because we need your help. 我们需要你的协助

  [18:25.61]We know that you've been contacted by a certain... 我们知道你常常联络 [18:28.88]...individual. 某个人

  [18:31.55]A man who calls himself ''Morpheus.'' 这个人称呼他自己为莫斐斯

  [18:36.62]Whatever you think you know about this man is irrelevant. 你对他了解多少都不重要 [18:40.83]He is considered by many authorities... 警方都把他视为 [18:43.56]...to be the most dangerous man alive. 世上最危险的人物 [18:49.27]My colleagues... 我的同事

  [18:50.97]...believe that l am wasting my time with you. 认为我是在浪费时间 [18:54.17]But l believe you wish to do the right thing. 不过我相信你想改过自新 [18:57.88]We're willing to wipe the slate clean... 我们愿意删除你的不良纪录 [19:01.75]...give you a fresh start. 让你重新做人

  [19:04.42]All that we're asking in return is your cooperation... 你只要跟我们合作

  [19:07.55]...in bringing a known terrorist to justice. 把这名恐怖份子绳之以法 [19:12.42]Yeah. 是啊 [19:14.86]Well. that sounds like a really good deal. 这条件听起来很棒

  [19:18.70]But l think l got a better one. 但我有更棒的想法 [19:20.67]How about... 这样吧 [19:22.63]...l give you the finger... 我向你伸中指

  [19:27.24]...and you give me my phone call. 你就让我打电话 [19:31.44]Mr. Anderson... 安德森先生 [19:37.28]...you disappoint me. 你让我很失望

  [19:38.75]You can't scare me with this gestapo crap. 你这样是吓不倒我的

  [19:41.59]l know my rights. 我有权利 [19:43.22]l want my phone call. 我要打电话 [19:45.32]Tell me. Mr. Anderson... 请你告诉我,安德森

  [19:48.36]...what good is a phone call if you're unable to speak? 开不了口 打电话有什么用? [20:27.40]You're going to help us. Mr. Anderson... 你一定要帮我们 [20:30.27]...whether you want to or not. 不管你要或不要

  [21:30.70]This line is tapped. so I must be brief. 电话被监控,我长话短说

  [21:34.20]They got to you first. but they've underestimated how important you are. 他们逮到你却低估你的重要性

  [21:38.77]If they knew what I know... 要是他们知道 [21:40.84]...you would probably be dead. 你或许早就没命了 [21:43.88]What are you talking about? What is happening to me? 你在说什么?我是什么