
  I really felt like I wasn't worth treatment as though somehow it reflected my sense of self-worth.我真的觉得我不值得治疗,好像这反映了我的自我价值感。Walking with James, it's easy to see how years of being ignored have affected his adult life.与詹姆斯一起散步,很容易看出多年来被忽视对他成年生活的影响。He developed anorexia as a teenager but no one knew how to help him.他在十几岁的时候患上了厌食症,但没有人知道如何帮助他。I think one of the reasons why I still struggle with bulimia now is because it took so long to get specialist help.我认为我现在仍然在与贪食症作斗争的原因之一是因为我花了太长时间才得到专家的帮助。I was diagnosed when I was 15, but it wasn't until I was 21 that I got specialist help and it wasn't that I was just mildly ill,我在十五岁时确诊,但直到二十一岁我才得到专家的帮助,这并不是说我只是轻微患病,在那段时间里,我在医院里和医院外都很不舒服。I was seriously unwell in and out of hospital during that time.在那段时间里,我在医院进进出出时身体严重不适。And the approach was just to sort of patch me up and send me back out.而方法就是给我包扎一下,然后把我送回去。Lockdown has made James's condition worse and he's now waiting for more treatment, but waits can often lead to more hospital admissions.疫情导致的封锁让詹姆斯的情况变得更糟,他现在正在等待更多的治疗,但等待往往会导致更多的需要治疗的部分。In 2015 there were just over 13,000 admissions for eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia,2015年,因暴食症和厌食症等饮食障碍入院的人数刚刚超过一万三千人,in 2020 those numbers increased by 11000, a rise of 84 percent.2020年,这一数字增加了一万一千,增幅为百分之八十四。The number of boys and young men being admitted over the same period went up by 128 percent.同期,住院的男孩和年轻男性人数增加了百分之一百二十八。There was a significant pressure on NHS services pre-pandemic.在疫情之前,NHS的服务面临着巨大的压力。So the impact of the pandemic has been really devastating on those already very much in demand services.疫情的影响对那些已经非常需要服务的人来说真的是毁灭性的。So I think now what we're seeing is people who have become increasingly unwell during that period.我认为,我们现在看到的是在这段时间里身体越来越不舒服的人。So we've had this sort of acceleration if you like that I think we're seeing and the numbers obviously that we're talking about today demonstrate.我们看到了患病人群数量的加速增长,我们今天讨论的数字显然证明了这一点。It's why new guidance has been written for all healthcare workers to ensure they spot those who need help early.这就是为什么为所有医护人员编写了新的指导方针,以确保他们及早发现需要帮助的人。When they come into the emergency department very sick and they don't go to the psychiatric wards, they go to medical wards, because they're so sick.当他们来到急诊室时,他们病得很重,他们不去精神科病房,而是去内科病房,因为他们病得很重。And so the physicians who are looking after them have not been educated in how to manage.照顾他们的医生还没有接受过如何管理这一状况的培训。James is grateful of the new guidelines and feels lucky he didn't fall through the gaps, but worries without it.詹姆斯很感激新的指导方针,并感到幸运的是,他没有错过这一待遇,但是他仍然会感到担忧。Thousands of others may not be so fortunate.数以千计的其他人可能没有那么幸运。Emily Morgan ITV News.新闻记者报道。