




  一、分清主从 (Subordination)


  1、 没有农业,人们就不能生存,社会生产就不能继续下去。

  Without agriculture, people cannot exist, neither can social production


  2、 他们一听到“反霸”就火冒三丈,这充分暴露了他们那霸权主义的蛮横嘴脸。

  The fact that they fly into a rage at a mere mention of the expression“anti-

  hegemony”is enough to reveal their true colours as a domineering hegemonists.

  3、 有人以为社会主义就了不起,一点缺点也没有,哪有这个事?

  Some believe that socialism is just perfect, without a single flaw. How can

  that be true?

  4、 但是,象我们常说的那样,道路总是曲折的,前途总是光明的。

  But as we have often said, while the road ahead is tortuous, the future is


  二、 选词用字 (Diction)



  Every nation has its own strong points. If not, how can it survive? How can it progress?


  Foster lofty ideals, set high goals and march forward for the revolution

  of modernization of science and technology.

  3、 我国的社会主义建设,需要一个和平的国际环境,需要一个国内安定团结,


  For its socialist construction, China needs an international environment

  of peace and a domestic situation of stability, unity and great order.


  Professionally she was then not yet my equal, but ideologically she was

  head and shoulders above me.

  三、增益 (Ampification)



  Before handing in your translation, you have to read it over and over again

  and see if there anything in it to be corrected or improved. Only then can

  you do your work well.



  Fetching water, building the fire, washing --- she had her hands full every

  minute. (增益为了意译)


  When they learnt that they’d been given a new task, they just couldn’t sit still any longer. (增加not… any longer 表示“不再”.)


  It works wonders when you know how to use it, but when you don’t it is not

  worth a single penny. (增加连词与代词)

  三、 省略法.(Omission)



  We must cultivate the ability to analyse and solve problems.



  I’ve fulfilled my assigned work ahead of schedule, so has he.


  The people of China have always been courageous enough to probe into

  things, to make inventions and to make revolution.

  (只用一个courageous enough )


  A proton has a positive charge and an electron a negative charge, but a

  neutron has neither.

  五、转换 (Conversion)



  There must be less empty talk and more hard work.



  Tightening his hold on the boy’s arm, the policeman yelled,“Learn some respect!”(句子的前部分转换成分词结构)


  She was asked ten questions in the oral exam and answered every one correctly.



  The mastery of language is not easy and requires painstaking effort.




  1、 这个茶会是由伦敦《泰晤士报》的高级记者约翰先生举行的。

  The tea-party was given by Mr John, senior correspondent of The

  Times, London.(英译时姓名在前,职务在后)

  2、 我们上星期天在她家尽情地吃了一顿。

  We ate to our hearts’ content at her home last Sunday.


  英语的排列是: 方式―――地点―――时间)


  Never have we seen so bright a future before us.



  With all its beauty the lotus needs the green of its leaves to set it off.

  ( With 的特殊用法,表示让步,用在句首)


  英汉两种语言都有自己的约定俗成的正反说法,这在英译时要时刻注意到。英语中有些词汇本身就有否定的意思,要善于利用,如 fail, without, beyond, until, unless, instead of 等;


  I don’t think he is correct. he failed to turn up yesterday.



  The evidence is conclusive, excluding all possibilities of doubt.(反说正译)


  That served to strengthen instead of weaken our determination.

  ( or: That strengthened, rather than weakened, our determination.)

  4、 会议开得冷冷清清,有时甚至开不下去了。

  The meetings were marked by such an absence of lively discussions that

  at times they were almost on the point of breaking up.(正说反译,反说正译)

  八、长句拆译。 (Division)



  Our enterprises in general pay little attention to economic results, since usually the number of workers needed for a job is not fixed, production quota is not fixed, the quality of products is not checked and cost accounting is not earnestly practised. All this has incurred a big waste of manpower, material resources and money.



  The political awakening of the people is not easy. It requires much earnest effort on our part to rid their minds of wrong ideas.



  Deed and word must match and theory and practice must be closely integrated.

  We must reject flashiness without substance and every sort of boasting. There must be less empty talk and more hard work. We must be steadfast and dedicated.





  Modesty becomes a young man.



  It seems to be more lonesome in the mountains when birds are singing.



  Taking all things into consideration, his lot is a happy one.



  To make the matter worse, it began to rain.


  二、汉语中存在着无主句(没有主语的句子)。英语中除祈使句之外,一般都必须有主语。所以在汉译英时,应经常推敲要选那一个词来当主语,一般可加上I, we, you, they等(常泛指人们)作主语以及加上相应的物主代词。有时也采用被动语态来翻译。


  Even when scrounging for cinder you had to have your wits about you and shift from place to place to avoid those mischievous boys who banded together to collect cinders, too.



  Each single copper had to be eked out, and I kept racking my minds for ways to improve our difficult conditions.

  (翻译时用I 作主语并增加相关的物主代词)


  No clear distinction was made between the objective condition and the subjective strength involved in a revolutionary upsurge. We did not understand the importance of the mass movement, the subjective element, in helping to bring about a revolutionary upsurge.


  3、 村里办了小学,开设了粮站和卫生所。

  A primary school, a grain station and a clinic have been set up in the village.


  三、汉语中词与词之间,短语与短语之间,分句与分句之间很少用连词。而在这种场合下英语一定要使用连词,表示各成份之间的关系。汉语的特点是“意合”,这种简洁性曾被著名的美国语言学家爱德华.萨皮尔描绘为是一种有着“合理的逻 辑性”的语言。英语行文重在“形合”.所以在该使用连词and 时决不可漏掉。其它各种从属连词的使用也很重要。


  We are the leaders and organizers of the revolutionary wars as well as the leaders and organizers of the life of the masses.(连词 and, as well as 在这里一定要用)


  The young man left, and she lay waiting on the grass in the evening sun.

  (这里连词and 起了合句的作用,合句与断句相对,也是一种重要的翻译技巧.)


  The ocean, which covers 71% of the earth’s surface, is a basic component of the global bio-support system. It is also a treasure house of resources and an important regulator of the environment.

  (主语后面有三个并列的谓语:覆盖了…,是…,也是… .但仔细分析可看出,“覆盖了地球表面的71%”说明了一个人们已知的客观事实,句子的重点在后面。因此译文用了一个定语从句来处理前面的分句,而用谓语集中处理后半句的内容。)


  In the prolonged course of its development, China has formed its fine historical and cultural traditions, which have been either developed or sublated with the changes of the times and social progress.

  (原文是两句话,第一句在句末提出“历史文化传统”,第二句接着加以发挥。两句话虽在内容上紧密相连,但在形式上都是两个并列的句子,互相没有从属关系。汉语行文“意合”,我们就应该用英语的“形合”表示出来,所以使用了从属连词which 把两句连在一起,变成一个主从复合句.





  He looked down upon all the inhabitants of the village.


  Who could have thought that this low fellow would steal his living from him.


  Being absolutely enraged, he was much too angry to sleep that night.


  “There’s no way out but to set you to work looking after over neighbor’s baffalo.”



  Why should the Zhao’s dog give me two glances of the eye? My fear is not

  a groundless one.


  The little girl accepted the gift, liking it so much that she could scarcely take his eyes off it.


  Negligence in this respect will make it impossible for us to master and apply the results of advanced world science and technology and properly solve important problems in our construction.

  4、过街愈当心愈好。 礼貌是值得尽量尊重的。

  You cannot be too careful in crossing the street.

  Good manners cannot be too much valued.



  Any mountains can be famous with the presence of an immortal.

  2、 a),引人瞩目 b),温厚儒雅 c),抡滩上海 d),大展鸿图

  a), attractive b), pacific c),swarm in Shanghai

  d), very well realize one’s ambition


  Everybody’s business is nobody’s business.


  Before me, unseen are the ancients,

  Behind me, unseen those to come,

  Thinking of this infinite universe

  Alone, in my sorrow, I shed tears.


  1、 区中心大道

  Plant Central Avenue


  Hunting Down the Enemy


  Located in the Taiwan Straits, Meizhou Island is a small island with a total area of 14 square kilometers and a population of 35thousand. It is well-known home and abroad for the first Mazu Temple.


  Numerous shoals scattered over the 200kms course give rise to many eddies.

  Pounding on the midstream rocks, the river roars thunderously.















































  1、 We do not live in order to eat, but we eat in order to live.

  2、 Good medicine tastes bitter, but is good for a disease.

  3、 As the examination questions of that university are very difficult,

  I doubt if (It is uncertain that) I shall pass the entrance examination.

  4、A few words of explanation appear necessary.

  5、One must not sleep or dream one’s life away.

  6、 An old Chinese proverb says that too much learning does not become a woman.

  7、To do him justice, he has always been a good husband and a good father.

  8、 I found it difficult to solve that problem.

  9、 We should keep our bodies and clothes clean not to be attacked by illness.

  10、 Learning has always been held in high esteem in our country.

  11、 The sun having set, we went home.

  12、 Return him my best thanks for the present.

  13、 To return to the subject, they got married the very day.

  14、 The love of money is the root of all evil.

  15、 To the joy of his mother, he won a lot of money.

  16、He is content with very little.

  17、 We know men’s faces, not their minds.

  18、Among men who is faultless?

  19、Give me liberty or give me death.

  20、 Some families are making merry while others are suffering from poverty.

  21、 How can I convince him when he will not listen?

  22、 A man does not live a hundred years, yet he worries enough for a thousand.

  23、 I will undertake the work, if it pays.

  24、 Cadres at all levels should improve their art of leadership.

  25、 Fight when you can win, move away when you cannot.

  26、 Leaning against the boat, you can see dark green mountains and gorgeous fields in the far distance.

  27、 “fearing dragons ahead and tigers behind” will not produce cadres.

  28、 We are deeply concerned at the news that your country has been struck by an earthquake.

  29、 These new cars were fast, efficient and handy.

  30、 To our disappointment, he failed to take the overall situation into account.


  1、 The people of a small country can defeat aggression by a big country, if only they dare to rise in struggle, dare to take up arms and grasp in their hands the destiny of their own country.

  2、 Great disorder across the land leads to great order.

  3、 If they don’t learn any technical skills and remain outsiders for a long time, they don’t be able to do management well either.

  4、 The brilliant image of Lei Feng educates and inspires us.

  5、 Leadership by the Party and reliance on the strength of the masses are the fundamental guarantees for overcoming all difficulties.

  6、 The German fascist army was badly defeated at Stalingrad in November 1942.

  7、 This fully shows that our Party is flourishing and has no lack of successors.

  8、 Live up to the expectations of our own people and the people throughout the world.

  9、 With regard to such reactionaries, the questions of irritating does not arise. Irritated or not, they will remain the same because they are reactionaries.

  10、 The political awakening of the people is not easy. It requires much earnest effort on our part to rid their minds of wrong ideas.

  “深入浅出”这个成语原意是指把深奥的内容用浅显的言语表达出来,英语可译为:“explain the profound in simple terms”。翻译法学英语也可算是深入浅出。但应作别解。学习翻译法不太容易,所以要深入;但学会了之后,就很好用了,可以“浅出”。因此也具有深入浅出的含义。有点“踏破铁鞋无处觅,得来全不费工夫”的意境了.下面四篇汉语短文,与英语书面表达所要求的程度相近。动手试译一下,你一定会感到太好译了,简直是小菜一碟。恭喜你成功了!
















  参考译文: I,

  May I have your attention, please? I have something to tell you. There will be a lecture in the school auditorium at 2:00 pm. December 8,Friday. The lecture will be given by Mr. Zhang Li from the People’s Daily. He is going to speak about the Sino-American relations. Everybody is required to be present. Please listen attentively and take notes. If anybody has a question, please write it down on a slip of paper and pass it to the speaker. After the lecture, we’ll have a discussion in class.

  Don’t be late.

  That’s all. Thank you!


  Dear editor,

  In the past my hometown used to be a beautiful place. Thick trees and green grass could be seen everywhere. In order to build houses and grow more crops, people cut down more and more trees. As time went on, the whole forest was almost destroyed. Gradually, the green hills have changed into wasteland and the river has dried. As a result, sandstorms struck us now and then, from which we suffered a lot. So, I do hope all the people should realize the terrible result of not caring about our environment. What’s more, we should take good care of the forests and plant more trees instead of cutting them down so as to improve our living conditions.


  As we step into the computer age, we find our lives more and more connected with computers. There are thousands of learning software and computer games and new ones are coming each day.

  However, different people make different use of computers. In my school, lots of students have made rapid progress in their study with the help of computer-based learning programs. Meanwhile, some students find it hard to pull themselves away from computer games, which makes them fall far behind their classmates in their study. Some even have dropped out of school.

  In my opinion, we’d make best use of computers. Computers can broaden our knowledge as well as our minds. We shouldn’t ruin ourselves by burying ourselves into playing computer games.


  Thanks to the Hope project, great changes have taken place in a country school.

  This school used to be called Lijiazhuang School. Most of its pupils left school because their families were too poor to pay for their education. The only unsafe schoolhouse had to be used as classrooms. And all the teachers shared one room. The playground was nothing but an open land.

  Things are different now. All the children who left school have come to continue their studies. In the schoolyard stands a two-storeyed teaching building. There are rooms for music, art and computer teaching. The school is well equipped with sports goods.

  The Project benefits the school a great deal. For this reason, it was renamed Hope School.











  例1:He had words with her.



  [注释]:have a word with sb.与某人谈话,而have words with sb.与某人吵架。

  例2:We shall not want for food.



  [注释]:want vt.想要,想得到;want for缺乏。



  例1?Historically, city life has always been among the elements which form a civilization.



  例2. Supporters of the "nature" theory insist that we are born with a certain capacity for learning that is biologically determined.





  例1?The target is wrong, for in attacking the tests, critics divert attention from the fault that lies with ill?informed or incompetent users.



  例2?For example, they don't compensate for gross social inequality, and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favourable circumstances.








  2)加速阶段an accelerating phase

  3)错综复杂的问题some complicated problems


  5)重大的经济活动a major economic pursuit



  1)染上艾滋病suffer from AIDS

  2)头号罪魁the chief culprit

  3)使……丧失deprive of

  4)艾滋病病毒感染者people infected with HIV



  1)传真机fax machines

  2)通讯终端设备telecommunications terminal equipment


  4. 2000年,美国数码相机的销量达到惊人的510万台,而1999年只有310万台。数码相机的流行其原因非常简单:成像质量好且花费少。此外,使用数码相机还能省去不少麻烦。你不用买胶卷,所有的照片都被存在可反复使用的存储卡上。一按快门,就可以马上在液晶显示屏上观察照片的效果。(124字)


  1)数码相机digital camera

  2)可反复使用的存储卡reusable memo叮cards

  3)按快门press the shutter

  4)液晶显示屏the LCD screen




  2)自身特性和特点qualities and characteristics in itself

  3)不无相关have to do with

  4)容易接受和适应receptive and adaptable

  5)吸收take into



  1)得到信息get the message

  2)尽量利用任何at almost any opportunity


  4)儿童心理学家child psychologist

  5)得出完全相反的结论drawing a completely different conclusion



  1)受到特别重视be highlighted for special attention

  2)加强和巩固consolidate and strengthen

  3)调整和改进readjust and optimize

  4)区域性经济regional economies

  5)下岗工人laid-off workers


  1)人才talented professionals.

  2)海外留学生overseas students

  3)吸收和利用人才absorb and make use of

  4)引进人才introduce talented people from outside

  5)银行、保险业banking,insurance industry

  6)国有大型企业large state-owned enterprise



  1)广大的肥田沃地large areas of fertile land

  2)给我们以衣食之源provide us with food and clothing

  3)纵横全国的大小山脉mountain ranges across its len妙and breadth

  4)广大的森林,丰富的矿产with extensive forests and rich mineral deposits

  5)给我们以舟揖和灌溉之利provide us with water transport and irrigation

  6)交通海外各民族的方便facilitate communication with nations beyond the seas




  2)多民族团体multi-ethnic groups

  3)智慧和勤奋的结晶a crystallization of the wisdom and diligence,此处可根据上下文进行转换调整:the prosperity is attributed to the wisdom and diligence of the people

  4)地广人稀a vast,under-populated country

  5)不是本地出生的not born locally




  2)相互联系,相互依赖interrelated and interdependent

  3)影响其余的所有肌体组织handic即all the rest of the organism

  4)最终导致end by...,lead to...



  1)直译与意译literal translation and free translation

  2)不同程度地to some extent

  3)多采用be preferable to(something)


  5)关键在于the crux lies in

  6)以情动人的作品emotional works

  7)原文的意境情趣the right mood and flavor of the original works



  1)20世纪中叶the mid-20th century


  3)民族的伟大复兴the nation immensely rejuvenated

  4)历史伟业historic cause




  2)国家的事业an undertaking of the state

  3)体育运动网network for physical culture

  4)列人国家预算 include in the state budget

  5)可喜的成绩gratifying achievement



  1)极为重要的时期an extremely important period

  2)全球化趋势the economic globalization trend

  3)周边国家neighboring countries

  4)严峻挑战severe challenge

  5)跨越式发展development by leaps and bounds



  1)调节气候regulate climate

  2)保持水土conserve water and soil

  3)防风固沙wall off wind,fix sands

  4)消毒杀菌sterilize(purify)the air

  5)生态平衡ecological balance



  1)致癌物质cancer-causing substances

  2)每立方米per cubic meter

  3)含水量moisture content



  1)癌症的发病率cancer rate

  2)世界健康组织The World Health Organization





  2)紧急措施urgent action

  3)灭绝extinguish,be wiped out




  1)持续减少continue to decline

  2)替代率replacement rate

  3)人口减少的趋势the tendency to population decline


  1 In recent years,urbanization in China has stepped into an accelerating phase. Amidst magnificent achievements,there have emerged some complicated problems. The crux is that the cities and the countryside are developing at such a rapid rate,on such a large scale,with such enormous capital,in such a vast extent that they have surpassed any historical period China has ever witnessed before. Virtually,building construction has today become a major economic pursuit in China.

  2 Throughout the world 36 million people are suffering from AIDS,which is more than the whole population of Australia. At present,AIDS is the fourth leading cause of death in the whole world,and the chief culprit in Africa. In Africa,it deprives jobs of the workers,families of incomings and children of their parents. In seven African countries,more than 20 percent of the 15-to-49-year-old population is infected with HIV.

  3 In today"s China,fax machines have been widely used as a popular and important modern telecommunications terminal equipment. According to a study,in 2002,China needed about 2 million fax machines,but the country only satisfied about 30% of the demand with the market dominated by the imported ones.

  4 Digital cameras sold an astonishing 5.1 million throughout the US in 2000,up from 3.1 million in 1999. These cameras are getting popular for a good and simple reason:they take better pictures for less money. Digital cameras have always offered convenience. You don"t have to buy films because all your images are saved on reusable memory cards. Press the shutter and you can review your shot immediately on the LCD screen.

  5 The English language is spoken or read by the largest number of people in the world for historical,political,and economic reasons. But it may also be true that the popularity of English language has much to do with some qualities and characteristics in itself. First and most important is its extraordinarily receptivity and adaptability-it has taken materials into its own vocabulary from almost all major languages in the world.

  6 For years,parents and teachers got the message that children should be praised at almost any opportunity,that saying“good job”for everything they do,as they believe,helps raise their self-esteem. But many educators and child psychologists are drawing a completely different conclusion:less praise is often better for their children.

  7 During the meeting,three aspects have been highlighted for special attention over next. They are:consolidate and strengthen the fundamental role of agriculture in the national economy and increase farmers" income;readjust and optimize the industrial structure for the promotion of coordinated development of regional economies;work hard to boost employment and the reemployment of laid-off workers,and improve the social security network.

  8 In today"s world,competition among states is mainly a competition among talented professionals. Therefore,it is a decision adopted by the CPC Central Committee to fully absorb and make use of the talented people among our overseas students and among the professionals in Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan. This will help us strengthen our competitive edge. The departments that would introduce talented people from outside are those that are exposed to increasingly fierce competition and that are open wider to the outsider world,such as banking,insurance industry,large state-owned enterprises,etc.

  9 China is one of the largest countries in the world,her territory being about the size of the whole of Europe. In the vast country of ours there are large areas of fertile land which provide us with food and clothing,mountain ranges across its length and breadth with extensive forests and rich mineral deposits,many rivers and lakes which provide us with water transport and irrigation,and a long coastline which facilitates communication with nations beyond the seas.

  10 Vancouver"s prosperity is attributed to the wisdom and diligence of the people living in Vancouver,including the contribution made by multi-ethnic groups. Canada is a vast,under-populated country with a land area larger than that of China and a population of less than 30 million and Vancouver is the largest multi-ethnic city in the country. Among its 1.8 million residents,half were not born locally and there is on an average one Asian out of four residents.

  11 A man body is composed of 50 trillion cells of a variety of types,all interrelated and interdependent. Loss of some of those cells,such as those making up an entire leg,will seriously handicap all the rest of the organism,and serious damage to a relatively few cells in an organ,such as the heart or kidneys,may end by killing all 50 trillion.

  12 Different discourses or styles tend to focus on different stresses so,to some extent,need different translating ways. Generally speaking,literal translation is preferable to free translation in translating literatures,for the crux of these literatures lies in accuracy. On the other hand,free translation is more suitable than literal translation in translating some emotional works such as poetry,prose,drama,film,novels,autobiography,etc.,so as to reproduce the right mood and flavor of the original works.

  13 All endeavors by the Chinese people for the 100 years from the mid-20th to the mid-21st century are for the purpose of making our motherland strong,the people prosperous and the nation immensely rejuvenated. Our Party has led the entire Chinese people in carrying forward this historic cause for 50 years and made tremendous progress,and it will successfully attain the objective through hard work in the coming 50 years.

  14 China"s sports have undergone several thousand years of development. But they were not regarded as an undertaking of the state until 1949,when the People"s Republic of China was founded. Now a nation-wide network for physical culture has been set up and expenditure on this field has been included in the state budget. With the concerted efforts of sports workers and athletes,gratifying achievements have been made in physical culture and sports in the past 50 years.

  15 Looking ahead at the situation at home and abroad at the beginning of the 21st century,it can be said that the next five to ten years will be an extremely important period for China"s economic and social development. The worldwide new scientific and technological revolution is progressing rapidly with great momentum. The economic globalization trend is gaining strength. Many neighboring countries are accelerating their development. All this serves as a severe challenge as well as a historic opportunity for us to strive to catch up and achieve development by leaps and bounds.

  16 Apart from providing people with timber,forests help regulate climate,conserve water and soil,wall off wind,fix sands,improve water quality,keep away smoke and dust,sterilize(purify)the air,reduce noise,beautify surroundings,maintain and improve ecological balance. Man would not be able to exist without green plants producing oxygen and absorbing harmful gases all the time. Man"s health is closely related to the quality of the air,which in turn is decided by the size(extent)of forests.

  17 Many kinds of trees can absorb poisonous and cancer-causing substances in the air. The amount of bacteria in a forest area makes up but 1%of that in a deforested area,while the air in a department store contains more than 4 million bacteria per cubic meter. A tree-covered area may reduce noise by a quarter. Moisture content in the air above or around a forest is 10%-20% more than that of the places devoid of forest.

  18 Cancer rates worldwide could increase by 50 percent by 2020,reaching 15 million new cases a year. The World Health Organization"s World Cancer Report says that if no preventive measures are taken increases of this order are inevitable because they stem from habits-such as smoking-that are already established.

  19 Biologists have discovered that fishing fleets are eliminating more than 100, 000 albatrosses every year. In a couple of decades most species will be wiped out unless urgent action is taken. Albatrosses are capable of astonishing feats of endurance and navigation,and can fly round the world several times without stopping on land. During their lives,they fly more than 10 million miles,the equivalent of 50 return trips to the moon.

  20 According to researchers" estimate,Europe"s population will continue to decline for decades. At present 1 .5 babies are born for every European Union woman,when two births are required for the population“replacement rate”to be maintained. Even if women started to have more children again,the tendency to population decline would continue for decades,as there will be fewer parents in the next generation than in this one.


  Unit 1

  1. 我们应该学会处理我们生活中遇到的问题。(deal with)

  2. 我明白了实现目标意味着勇于面对挑战。(means)

  3. 5岁孩童中只有百分之四十能享受学前教育。(have access to)

  4. 他说他不愿意以牺牲他的业余时间为代价接受这份工作。(at the cost of)

  5. 楼上收音机的声音妨碍了我的工作。(interfere with)

  6. 钟每隔20分钟敲响一次,因此现在应该是11点20分。 (at … intervals)

  7. 这本书获得了好评,但是从实际销售情况来看,它并不太成功。(in terms of )

  8. 很明显,事情的发展让我大失所望。(turn out)

  Unit 1

  1. We should learn to deal with the problems that we meet in our life.

  2. I have understood that realizing the goal means facing challenge bravely.

  3. Only 40% of 5-year-old children have access to pre-school education.

  4. He said that he would not like to accept this job at the cost of his spare time.

  5. The sound of the radio upstairs interfered with my work.

  6. The bell rings at 20-minute intervals, which means it is 11:20 now.

  7. The book has been well reviewed, but in terms of actual sales it hasn’t been very successful.

  8. Obviously, I’m disappointed at the way things have turned out.

  Unit 2

  1. 在我了解所有的事实之后,我就能给你提出建议了。(be in a position to do)

  2. 我们轮流值夜班,这样就不会有人总是夜班了。(rotate, shift)

  3. 她又一次第一个想出了增加销售量的新主意。 (come up with, boost)

  4. 在父亲的帮助下,她十几岁时就在电影界取得了成功。(make it)

  5. 一有人走进屋子,孩子们就开始炫耀起来了。(show off)

  6. 即使你与她意见相左,她的话也值得听一听,毕竟她很有经验。(even though)

  7. 我们想鼓励学生参与学院的管理工作。(participate in)

  8. 他已获准恢复自由,条件是他离开这个国家。 (grant)

  Unit 2

  1. When I know all the facts, I’ll be in a position to advise you.

  2. We rotate the night shift so that no one has to do it all the time.

  3. Once again, she became the first to come up with a new idea for boosting sales.

  4. With her father’s help, she made it in films when she was still a teenager.

  5. The children start showing off as soon as anyone comes into the house.

  6. Even though you do not agree with her, she’s worth listening to. After all, she is very experienced.

  7. We want to encourage the students to participate fully in the running of the college.

  8. He has been granted his freedom on condition that he leaves the country.

  Unit 3

  1. 起火时,办公室人员惊慌逃出。(flee in panic)

  2. 我看见这小男孩溜进厨房,偷了一条面包。(slip, make off with)

  3. 最终,这位法官允许布朗夫妇收养这个无家的孤儿。(eventually, adopt)

  4. 众所周知,如瑜珈等放松的方法能缓解压力对身体造成的不良反应。(ease, stress)

  5. 所有的乘客都从一辆巴士转到另一辆巴士。(transfer)

  6. 虽然我们遭受了严重的自然灾害,但我们一定能克服一切困难。(suffer from)

  7. 人们担心那些老兵可能熬不过冬天。 (veteran, survive)

  8. 当马克想起那起事故时,仍感到恼火。(upset)

  Unit 3

  9. Office workers fled in panic as the fire broke out.

  10. I saw the little boy slip into the kitchen and make off with a loaf of bread.

  11. Eventually, the judge permitted the Browns to adopt the homeless orphan.

  12. As is known to all, relaxation techniques like yoga can ease the harmful effect of stress on the body.

  13. All passengers were transferred out of one bus and into another.

  14. Though we suffered from serious natural disasters, we are sure to overcome all difficulties.

  15. There are concerns that those veterans may not survive the winter.

  16. It still upsets Mark when he thinks about the accident.

  Unit 4

  1. 小偷看见远处的警察转身就逃。(turn on one’s heel)

  2. 这是你出的主意,所以要是出什么差错的话,我将惟你是问。 (responsible)

  3. 一些人认为,对大多数的男人来说,爱情只不过是他们人生的一个插曲。(episode)

  4. 我讨厌他这种逆来顺受的懦弱性格。(turn the other cheek)

  5. 艾丽丝太粗鲁无礼了,你该教训她一下了。(put sb. in his / her place)

  6. 他在一次宴会上堵住了我,非要和我大谈他那艰难的童年,无聊得我要死。(corner)

  7. 当他有这种古怪情绪时,我怎么也不能让他理解我的意思。 (get to sb.)

  8. 你怎么能不顾一切反对意见而一意孤行呢?(cling to)

  Unit 4

  9. The thief turned on his heel and ran when he saw the police in the distance.

  10. 2. It was your idea, so if anything goes wrong I shall hold you personally responsible.

  11. 3. Some think that for the majority of men, love is but an episode in his life.

  12. 4. I hate to see his weak personality that makes him simply turn the other cheek.

  13. 5. Alice is too rude; it’s time you put her in her place.

  14. 6. He once cornered me at a party and bored me to death about his difficult childhood.

  15. 7. When he’s in this strange mood, I just can’t get to him.

  16. 8. How could you set aside all the objections and cling to your own course?

  Unit 5

  1. 缩小贫富差距是政府面临的主要难题之一。(challenge)

  2. 他还拿不定主意,但我相信我们最终肯定能把他说服。(win over)

  3. 他帮助了我,并希望我能为他做点儿事作为报答。(in return)

  4. 你或者不让孩子靠近药箱,或者把药箱放在孩子拿不到的地方。(keep away from)

  5. 所有的行李都在机场受到检查,以确定其中没有危险物品。(screen)

  6. 多年来,这个部门建立了一个知识的宝库。(build up, reservoir)

  7. 我想要一杯咖啡,还有一杯水。(as well)

  8. 他非常绝望,因而威胁说要结束自己的生命。(so … that, put an end to)

  Unit 5

  Reducing the gap between rich and poor is one of the main challenges facing the government.

  2. He hasn’t made up his mind, but I’m sure we’ll win him over in the end.

  3. He helped me, and in return hoped that I could do something for him.

  4. You should either keep your child away from the medicine box, or keep the box away from them.

  5. All luggage is screened at the airport to make sure it contains nothing dangerous.

  6. The department has built up a reservoir of knowledge for many years.

  7. I’d like a cup of coffee, and a glass of water as well.

  8. He was so desperate that he threatened to put an end to his life.

  Unit 7

  1. 在我看来,取得成功的最佳途径是努力工作。(get ahead)

  2. 让我们感到失望的是, 我们所有的建议都遭到拒绝,不管它们的价值如何。(regardless of)

  3. 我感到他做错了什么事,可我又没有根据。(base … on)

  4. 我跟你说话的时候,你要留心听! 不然你会漏掉一些重要信息。(pay attention)

  5. 一些人已经注意到生活方式的任何改变都将影响一个人的健康。(have an effect on)

  6. 这两个政党从选举以来就一直彼此冲突。(in conflict with)

  7. 护士在照顾病人时,要尽很多责任。(fulfill)

  8. 我们不想听你的想法,只讲事实!(stick to)

  Unit 7

  1. In my opinion, the best way to get ahead is through hard work.

  2. To our disappointment, all our proposals were rejected regardless of their merits.

  3. I feel he was doing something wrong, but I have got nothing to base it on.

  4. Pay attention when I’m talking to you, otherwise you’ll miss some important information.

  5. Some people have noticed that any change in lifestyle will have an effect on one’s health.

  6. The two parties have been in conflict with each other since the election.

  7. A nurse has many duties to fulfill in caring for the sick.

  8. We do not want to hear your opinions; stick to the facts!

  Book 1

  Unit 1

  1. 我已经戒掉睡前吸烟的坏习惯,再也不用听妻子不断地发牢骚了。(give up)

  2. 与其他同龄人不同的是,他迷恋京剧。(set apart from; be addicted to)

  3. 她对他用情至深,愿意克服任何障碍与他结婚。(so that; obstacle)

  4. 只是在考试成绩出来之后,我才意识到必须更加刻苦才能不落后。(only; keep up with)

  5. 作为主要谈判人,她在打破双方之间的障碍上创造了奇迹。(miracle)

  6. 您无需担心,男士是不允许进入这个房间的。(need; allow sb. to do sth.)

  7. 如果要我在上大学还是去工作两者间选择,我会选择前者而非后者。(instead of)

  8. 尽管说明书上说“一次吃一片”,他还是一下子吃了三片。(in spite of; at a time)

  Book 1

  Unit 1

  1. Having given up the bad habit of smoking before bedtime, I no longer have to hear my wife complaining all the time.

  2. What sets him apart from other people of his age is that he is addicted to Beijing Opera.

  3. She is so much in love with him that she’s ready to overcome any obstacle to marry him.

  4. Only after the result of the exam came out did I realize I would have to work harder to keep up with the others.

  5. As chief negotiator she has performed miracles in breaking down barriers between the two sides.

  6. You don’t need to worry. Men are not allowed to get into this room.

  7. If I had to make a choice between going to college and finding a job, I would choose the former instead of the latter.

  8. In spite of the instruction of taking one pill at a time, he took three all at once.



  The square dancing is a bodybuilding exercise or dance performed in wide and open places such as squares and parks among the middle-aged and old residents in communities, with the purpose of bodybuilding, socializing and so on, generally accompanied with high-pitched music. The square dancing is very popular all over mainland China, whether in the north or in the south. Neither the sociological circle nor the sports circle has currently reached a consensus on the exact perception of the square dancing. The high-pitched music of the square dancing often causes noisy disruption, and therefore many residents are opposed to the square dancing in communities.

  故宫,又称紫禁城,是明、清两代的皇宫,二十四位皇帝在此生活起居和处理政务。它是世界现存最大、最完整的木质结构的古建筑群(architectural complex)。宫殿墙壁的色调以红色和黄色为主,红色代表快乐、好运和财富,而黄色代表帝王的神圣和尊贵。近十几年来,故宫平均每年接待中外游客600-800万人次,随着旅游业的繁荣,游客人数有增无减,可见人们对故宫的兴趣长盛不衰。

  The Imperial Palace, also known as the Forbidden City, was the palace in Ming and Qing Dynasties where 24 emperors lived and handled government affairs. It is the largest and most complete existing ancient wooden architectural complex in the world. The palace wall was painted mainly in red and yellow. Red represents happiness, luck and fortune while yellow symbolizes imperial holiness and dignity. In recent decades, the Imperial Palace is visited annually by six to eight million tourists at home and abroad. Moreover, with flourishing tourism industry, the number of tourists keeps increasing. It shows people’s everlasting and unfading interest in the Imperial Palace.


  Xinwen Lianbo is a news program broadcast by China Central Television (CCTV) every day. It generally takes 30 minutes every time to broadcast the program. It is relayed simultaneously by most local television channels in the mainland of China, which makes it one of the world’s most-watched programs. Since it was first broadcast on January 1st, 1978, it has been recording the changes of every day throughout China by documentary means that is objective, vivid and rich. As the Chinese official news information program, Xinwen Lianbo is well-known for its steady and serious style.
