

  1. to this end为达此目的

  2. instinctively heads to 本能地朝…行进(注:head for向(某处)行进)

  3. odd new perceptions about/of 关于…的奇怪的新观念(理解)

  4. access to (接近或进入某地的)方法, 通道;(使用某物或接近某人的)机会或权利

  5. academic levels 学术水平,学业成绩

  6. remind sb. of sbhttps://www.sodocs.net/doc/sth. 使某人回想起或意识到某人[某事物]

  7. discourage sb. from sthhttps://www.sodocs.net/doc/doing sth. 使某人丧失(做某事的)信心; 使某人泄气; 劝某人不要做某事8. look on... as …. 将某人[某事物]看作他人[他事物]

  9. in harmony (with sb/sth) 协调一致; 相配

  10. respond to … with sthhttps://www.sodocs.net/doc/by doing sth. (对某事物或对他人的行动)反应, 回应, 响应

  11. engage (sb) in sth(使某人)参加某事或从事某事

  12. be complementary to sth. 紧密结合成相称的整体

  13. induce impulsive behaviour in sb. 诱发人的冲动行为

  Part III Listening Comprehension


  1. absent-minded 心不在焉

  2. by any chance 或许; 可能(Have you by chance a match? 你也许带着火柴吧?)

  3. previous to 在…之前

  4. make many personal sacrifices in exchange for sth. 做出很多个人牺牲(为交换)得到…

  5. derive pleasure from…从…中获得乐趣


  1. violate traffic regulations 违法交通规则

  2. verify the record of what she had said 核对笔录

  3. mistake…for…把…误认为…

  4. satisfy the need of 满足…的需求

  5. accuse sb. of sth. 指责某人有错、犯(某)罪或犯法; 指控; 控告; 谴责

  Part IV Reading Comprehension

  Section B

  1. in the opposite direction 朝反方向

  2. a wealth of 大量, 众多, 丰富

  3. keep someone from taking action 使某人不能采取行动

  4. raise his status in the academic world 提高在学术界的地位

  5. enrich his experience in 丰富在…方面的经验

  6. increase its graduates’competitiveness in the job market 提高毕业生在就业市场中的竞争力

  7. gear sth to/towards sth对某事物加以调节以适合某种需要或达到某种水平或标准

  8. do the trick = do the job 起作用; 奏效

  9. make up for = compensate for 补偿、赔偿、弥补或抵消某事物(Hard work can make up for a lack of intelligence. 勤能补拙.)

  10. relieve sb. of sth. 解除某人的(负担、责任等)

  Part V Cloze

  1. come on 取得进步; 生长; 改善; 发展; 发育

  come out 出版或发表;(指消息、真相等)传出, 透露come over 顺便拜访;从远处来(to)到…

  come off 结果为;实现,成功;脱落

  2. turn to 向某人[某事物]寻求帮助、指教等(The more depressed he got, the more he turned to drink. 他情绪越低落越是借酒浇愁.)

  refer to 1) 提到、说到或涉及到某人[某事物](When I said some people are stupid, I wasn't referring to you. 我说有些人很愚蠢, 并不是指你.)

  2) 向某事物[某人]查询信息等: refer to a dictionary, an expert 查词典、询问专家

  keep to 1)不偏离, 不离开(道路等)(keep to the point/subject 别扯远了[不要离题].)

  2)遵循, 遵守(计划、时刻表等)(Things will only work out if we all keep to the plan. 只有大家执行计划, 事情才能成功.)

  3)忠于, 信守(诺言等)(keep to an agreement, an undertaking 信守协定、承诺.)

  3. social division 社会分化(现象)

  4. difference in wealth 贫富差距



  1. These days, children are robbed of these ancient freedoms, due to problems like crime, traffic,

  the loss of the open spaces and odd new perceptions about what is best for children, that is to say, things that can be bought, rather than things that can be found.

  语法分析:due to…can be found 介词短语作原因状语。like crime…for children 介词短语作定语修饰problems。about what is best …can be found介词短语作定语,修饰perceptions。things that …. be found 作what 的同位语。