



  Shen Anni & Dudley Andrew


  Title: Fiction and Film in Interaction: An Interview with Dudley Andrew

  内容摘要:达德利·安德鲁是北美比较文学与电影研究领域的著名元老级学者,前任耶鲁大学比较文学系主任。安德鲁教授以其对法国电影理论家安德烈·巴赞的相关研究享誉全球,也在其专著《电影是什么!》(2009)中提出了他自己的改编理论。他也是法语及英语文学、电影及哲学文化研究的顶级专家,著有九部专著,其中有七部被译为中文。由他编辑的最新文集《巴赞与电影改编:电影的文学想象》于 2022 年初出版,内容聚焦巴赞对小说与电影关联的思考。沈安妮在耶鲁大学比较文学系从事博士后研究期间对安德鲁教授进行了采访。访谈探索电影改编研究的五种方法、小说与电影的关联、以及当今文学与电影研究所面临的问题。

  Abstract: Dudley Andrew, one of the doyens of comparative literature and film studies in North America and the former chair of the Department of Comparative Literature, Yale University, is best known for his ground-breaking work on the French film theorist André Bazin and his own formidable theories of adaptation in What Cinema Is! (2009). He is also a world-renowned expert on French and English literature, as well as cinematic and philosophical culture, evidenced by his nine monographs, seven of which have been translated into Chinese. In early 2022, he edited André Bazin on Adaptation: Cinema’s Literary Imagination, a volume of Bazin’s thoughts on the relation between fiction and film. This interview, conducted by Anni Shen while working as a postdoctoral fellow at Yale University, explores five approaches to adaptation studies, the relation between fiction and film, and the issues presently facing literary and cinematic academia.





  Title: Analyzing the Implications of Ethical Selection and Ethical Choice

  内容摘要:伦理选择是文学伦理学批评理论体系和话语体系中的核心术语和概念。在中文语境里,伦理选择的术语表达两个概念:伦理选择阶段(ethical selection)和伦理选择活动(ethical choice)。前者指类人猿在获得人的形式后所经历的获取人的本质的文明阶段,后者指人在获取人的本质的过程中所进行的伦理选择活动。伦理选择由自由选择和道德选择构成。自由选择是本能的外在表现形式,是兽性因子发挥作用的结果。道德选择是理性的外在表现形式,是人性因子发挥作用的结果。外在的伦理选择活动不仅是文学文本内容的主要构成,而且也是伦理问题产生和进行道德评价的基础。内在的伦理选择活动通过人的心理活动过程表现出来。心理活动是人在心理层面进行伦理选择的表现形式,但是内在的心理选择活动和外在的伦理选择活动交织在一起。

  Abstract: Ethical selection and ethical choice are two core concepts of Ethical Literary Criticism. Ethical selection is concerned with the process in which humans acquire their human nature after their evolution from apes, while ethical choice is concerned with actions humans take to acquire their human nature. Ethical choice consists of free choice and moral choice. Free choice is the external manifestation of instinct and the result of animal factors. Moral choice is the external manifestation of reason and the result of human factors. The external ethical choices are not only the main content of literary text, but also the basis of ethical issues and moral evaluations. The inner ethical choices are revealed through the process of human psychological activities, which may be perceived as manifestations of human beings’ ethical choices at the psychological level. But the inner psychological choices are interwoven with the external ethical choices.

  吴 笛


  Title: The Origins and Interpretations of the “Sphinx Factors”


  Abstract: The “Sphinx factors” is an important concept in the theory of Ethical Literary Criticism, derived from the ancient mythological Sphinx’s riddle. As a concept that encompasses the opposition and conflict between the “human factor” and the “animal factor,” it is widely used in the practice of Ethical Literary Criticism. The concept of “Sphinx factors” has a rich theoretical origin and a solid theoretical foundation built upon evolutionary ideas, the theory of virtue ethics, and the theory psychoanalysis. The evolutionary idea of “survival of the fittest” embodies the significance of ethical consciousness in moral evolution. The theory of virtue ethics states that only after making their “natural selection” and generating their ethical consciousness through “ethical selection” can human beings pursue “virtue” and “learn to be human.” The personality theory in Freud’s psychoanalysis is deeply related to the concept of the “Sphinx factors.” The Sphinx Factors and their ethical conflicts presented in literary works embody human progress and reflect the human evolution toward goodness and self-awareness.

  苏 晖


  Title: Scientific Selection in the Post-Ethical Selection Era


  Abstract: According to the theory of Ethical Literary Criticism regarding the three stages of human civilization, the period of transition from ethical selection to scientific selection that mankind is currently experiencing can be called the “post-ethical selection era”. Through a study of a few selected science fiction works, such as Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Neuromancer, Oryx and Crake, Never Let Me Go, and Clara and the Sun, we can find that the scientific selection in the post-ethical selection era is still, in essence, ethical selection, not only because the subject of scientific selection is still the ethical man, and the technology for gene editing, cloning, and artificial intelligence is still restricted by ethical and moral norms, but also because the imaginative description of scientific selection in science fiction works is also executed within the perspective of ethical selection. At the same time, scientific selection poses many challenges to the subjects of ethical selection, probably violating their natural capabilities, infringing upon their right of autonomy, knowing, and privacy, and even causing harm to their life or dignity and aggravating the differentiation and inequality among them, which will, in turn, lead to the alienation of the relationship between scientific man and ethical man and shake the subjective status of human beings. To face the challenges from a series of scientific choices, human beings should adhere to the ethical value orientation of truth and goodness in making scientific choices and build an integrated and multi-winged post-human community with human beings as the main body. This is not only the need of the coordinated development of human, nature, and society, but also the inevitable choice for the subjects of ethical selection.




  Title: “The Rhapsodic Writing”: Roland Barthes’ Concept of Novel in His Late Years


  Abstract:  “The Preparation of the Novel” is a lecture prepared by Roland Barthes for his novel Vita Nova in his later period. In his lecture, he actively proposes the use of notation and something closely related to it, namely, rhapsodic writing, to deconstruct the continuity and integrity of traditional narrative, especially the rational centralism and metaphysics represented by books. These radical concepts of novel stem from both his own writing experience and his theoretical conclusion of a long-term deliberation. Even though they provide a new approach in writing for contemporary writers and a new perspective to review Barthes’ academic career and his writings, it is still doubtful whether a mere revolution in form could accomplish the purpose of deconstructing tradition.



  Title: The Changing Concept of History in A Scots Quair


  Abstract: A Scots Quair, a trilogy of novels by the modern Scottish writer Lewis Grassic Gibbon (Leslie Mitchell), represents a progressive change in his concept of history, from the Diffusionist concept that believes in civilization’s steady declining from ancient to modern times, to the concept of Utopian Socialism that calls for a mild improvement of society, and finally to the concept of Historical Materialism that regards people as the historical subjects to change and create history in constant stuggles. Such an evolutionary process coincides with the transformation of modern Scottish social production from agriculture to artisanal commerce and then to industrialization as a part of the capitalist system within the British Empire. It also reflects the transformation of thoughts and behaviors of the heroine, her second husband, who is a priest, and her son in the trilogy. Through such a change in historical concept and social cognition, A Scots Quair unfolds a historical picture of Scotland spanning more than thirty years and explores the question, “Which way should modern Scots go?” In a way, the trilogy presents a compelling reference and inspiration for the rest of the world.




  Title: The Memory Writing and Shaping of Community in Bernard Malamud’s The Fixer


  Abstract: Bernard Malamud, the famous Jewish American writer, indicates in his classic The Fixer that the relationship between Yakov’s personal memory, historical memory, and the community of different dimensions is mutually causative and representative, and that it is characterized by separation, deconstruction, division, and construction. Yakov’s miserable life has gone through different stages: while working as a supervisor in Kiev, he tries to cover up the historical memory and obtain a false identity, but his failure eventually leads to the breakup of the community with a shared economic interest; after Yakov is imprisoned as a scapegoat due to the disclosure of his Jewish ethnicity, the Russian officials, whose memory of religious trauma is awakened, and the priests form a political community with the common goal of ensuring justice for the dead; Yakov experiences the recovery of historical memory and reconstructs a sense of his ethnic identity, while the Jewish community with a shared destiny evolves from division to aggregation. The novel brilliantly integrates memory writing with communities of different dimensions and shows the profound impact and cultural imprint of memory on individuals and ethnic groups at both diachronic and synchronic levels. Historical memory redefines individual identity, awakens the collective unconsciousness of ethnic groups, strengthens the sense of national identity and, to a certain extent, shapes up the Jewish American community with a shared future.



  Title: The Polyphonic Narrative in Rabih Alameddine’s The Angel of History


  Abstract: The Angel of History, one of the representative novels by the Lebanese American writer, Rabin Alameddine, holds a special status among all his novels because of its conspicuous feature of “polyphony.” First, the novel employs a kind of “polyphonic” dialogic narrative that provides readers with so much relevant information, which subsequently conveys the “harmonious” thematic implications in the novel, and eventually completes the construction of its meaningful theme through a writing strategy based on the interlaced “dual narrative.” The effects of these three steps are highly consistent with the main features of a “polyphonic novel.” Each step is independent, but together they can corroborate each other and jointly explore the central theme throughout the novel, that is, in their dialogues on politics, society, and culture since the end of the 19th century, the First-World countries have always taken a dominant position of oppression and hegemony, whereas the Third-World countries have been marginalized, all along, by suppression and humiliation. The novel is worthy of a sustaining in-depth study because it can be a window to Alameddine’s writings and contemporary Arab American fiction as well.



  Title: The Fur Trade and Empire Construction in Washington Irving’s Astoria


  Abstract: In Astoria, a book about the American west by Washington Irving, the narrative is centered around Astor’s fur trade. As a writer of the first generation growing up with the United States, Irving had a very clear understanding about his literary mission, namely, as manifested in this text, using the fur trade as a polygonal mirror to help America accomplish its literary imagination about continental expansion, wealth plundering, and overseas colonization, thus revealing the imperial complex of the Americans like him. Irving sets up an esthetic paradigm for later western writings by delineating an imagination about the western myths and an American spirit of empire construction in his literary text. However, America’s westward explorations were mostly aimed at plundering the land, resource, and wealth. Therefore, its attempt to justify its expansionist mentality and colonial consciousness on the pretext of patriotism and national cause must be firmly condemned.



  Title: The Discourse on the Geography of Disease in Jack London’s Writings


  Abstract: As an interdisciplinary study between pathology and geography, the Geography of Disease claims that there is a natural connection between disease and geographical environment. The writings of Jack London not only cover abundant geographical characteristics, but also involve plenty images of diseases, which provide important texts for the study on the geography of disease. The cities and the northern and southern geographical environment in London’s writings correspond to different images of diseases and create the discourses of urban plague and disease, northern cold syndrome, and southern leprosy respectively, which contain crucial referential significance. By employing various discourses on the geography of disease, London metaphorizes his criticism of spatial injustice in cities, his concern with individual fate and identity in society, and his imagination of the ideal society, all of which reflect his condemnation and mockery of the capitalist society in the West and fully represent his thoughts on social progress. The discourses on the geography of disease in London’s writings reveal not just his personal style and thoughts, but his ruminations about the decadent realities in society as well.




  Title: Travel Writing and Englishness in Rural Rides


  Abstract: Rural Rides, a collection of travel essays by William Cobbett, an outstanding essayist during the late period of British Romanticism, truthfully documents what he saw and heard as well as what he thought about the transformation of social and cultural values of the time when he traveled by horse in Southeast England from 1821 to 1826. Cobbett’s nostalgic writing about the picturesque landscape of England profoundly touched the nerves of the Georgian and Victorian residents who were deeply trapped in the dilemma of commercial revolution and urbanization. And its unique nostalgic style has turned it into one of the most notable essay collections in the history of English literature. To this end, this article aims to interpret the causes and connotation of Cobbett’s nostalgic travel writing, in light of Boym’s reflective nostalgic theory, and find out how Cobbett represents the “new” and “old” elements of England by integrating Englishness and the local landscapes that he encountered during his travel, so as to refine his own concept of Englishness, which is a dynamic mechanism for generation constructed jointly by the traditional locality and new elements of the era. Also, the article shows how, based on such a premise, he articulates the vision of an ideal England with  both rural serenity and urban prosperity, thus fulfilling his purpose of politicizing his literary aesthetics.



  Title: The Narrative Function and Ethical Effect of Verse in the Early 20th-Century Kazakh Novels


  Abstract: Prosimetrum is the most unique narrative feature in the early 20th-century Kazakh novels. The narrative function and ethical value of verse are mainly shown in three aspects: first, the verse clearly has a critical function to clarify the ethical persuasion and moral position of the novel; second, its performance function promotes the construction of a new moral code while pandering to the implied audience of the novel; third, its lyrical function prompts the protagonist to denounce the feudal morality on behalf of women, which triggers a strong response from the audience and further contributes to the achievement of the ethical goals of the novel. The multi-layered narrative function and ethical value could only result from the joint effect of Kazakhstan’s oral literary traditions, the author’s ethical goals, and public reception norms, which reflects the overall style of the Kazakh literature during its social transformation.


  曹 莉


  Title: The Mirror and the Lamp: From the Classical Mimetic to the Romantic Expressive


  Abstract: The Mirror and the Lamp by the American literary critic M. H. Abrams is a seminal text of Romantic poetics. It has laid a crucial foundation for contemporary Romantic criticism with a longstanding impact then and now. This paper examines the poetic turn from the Classical Mimetic to the Romantic Expressive as expatiated by the author in his penetrating examination and understanding of the Romantic inner soul. By analyzing the causes and effects of Romantic poetics, the paper points out that the aesthetic modernity signposted by a strong sense of self or subjectivity had reached an unprecedented height during the rise and development of Romanticism.



  Title: Auerbach’s View of the East in Istanbul Period


  Abstract: While in exile in Istanbul, Auerbach concealed his view of the East in his academic studies, mainly in two ways: first, he affirms the religious and cultural status of the Old Testament and emphasizes the importance of the Judeo-Christian tradition in Western culture; second, he intentionally plays down the influence of the Muslim world and strengthens his view of Europe as a whole. This contradictory view of the East originates from the real situation of Auerbach’s exile, but it also has a lot to do with his contemplation on the holistic relationship between Eastern and Western cultures. Using the relationship between Istanbul and Auerbach’s exile as a starting point, this article focuses on analyzing Auerbach’s contradictory view of the East and the determinants of its formation, further exploring his contemplation on the holistic relationship between Eastern and Western cultures during his stay in Istanbul, and thereby debunking the argument from American scholar, Emily Apter, that Auerbach only dwelled on European culture, but ignored Eastern culture.



  目录 | 《外国文学研究》2022年第6期

  会讯 | 文学伦理学批评20年:回顾与展望——第12届国际文学伦理学批评研究会年会 第1号通知

  任宏智 | 《夜信》:迷宫叙事与阿拉伯民族的迷宫之境

  金  冰 |  超越经典与后经典之争——国际学术视野下的双重叙事进程理论







