中英文导游词 方特旅游区




  方特欢乐世界坐落在安徽省芜湖市长江大桥经济技术开发区,占地125万平方米,其中水域面积为72万平方米,陆地面积为53万平方米,现为中国目前规模最大的第四代主题公园。方特是由全球500强企业深圳华强集团投资建成,方特欢乐世界采用当今最先进的理念和技术精心打造,。 为芜湖市华强旅游城的一个重要组成部分.








  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to FangTe Tourist Resort. On behalf of AnHui Travel Agency, I’d like to extend our warm welcome to all of you. My name is WangHong and I will be your guide for the next several hours. Mr. Chen is our driver. He is a very experienced driver and he has worked for the company for 15 years. My telephone number is 123-4567-8900. And the number of the coach is 98765. In the following hours, we will visit some popular scenic spots in Tourist Resort. I believe you will soon love it as I do. We will try our best to make your trip here a pleasant one. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me and I shall be very pleased to answer. Hope you enjoy your stay in Tourist Resort.

  As we all know, while we travelling, the most important thing is safety first, no matter how we should pay attention to safety. When bus is working, please don’t poke your hand out of the window. We should protect ourselves from accidents. During this trip, our coach is the second small house. Please keep the car clean. Now I will share you some basic information about the scenery.

  FangTe Tourist Resort is located in the Economic and Technological Development Zone in Wuhu City, Anhui Province Yangtze River Bridge, it covers an area of 1.25 million square meters, including waters area covering an area of 720,000 square meters, and the land covering an area of 530,000 square meters. It is the largest fourth-generation theme park in China. FangTe is invested by Shenzhen Huaqiang Group, a Fortune 500 company, and crafted with the most advanced concepts and technologies nowadays. It is an important part of Huaqiang Tourism City in Wuhu City.

  The perfect combination of modern high-tech means and art creates the new high-tech theme park. Innovative ways of participation, making people feel thrilled. History and future blend, reality and illusory overlap, this is a dream park. It is also the national animation industry development base, science education base, and patriotic education base.

  Ladies and gentlemen, what we are seeing now is the door to the world of Fantawild.

  The Fantawild. consists of 16 theme projects, including Sunshine Plaza, Joy Avenue, Space World, Mystery Valley, Children's Kingdom, and Water World. Some of these places are fully open areas, and we are free to visit. There are more than 300 theme projects, including many great large projects, Most projects are suitable for all ages.

  Because the park is a one-vote system, we can play all the projects without paying for it. However, if someone needs transportation like a small train, a battery car, a cruise ship, etc., it is chargeable. If you have heart disease, high blood pressure, or fear of heights, be sure to tell me in advance because some thrilling items are not allowed.

  There is a large are with lots of projects, each project is divided into performances or receptions according to the timetable. I will try my best to arrange time for my friends to experience the most outstanding projects in Fangte.

  Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen!Time goes quickly and your trip in Tourist Resort is drawing to a close. In the previous hours we had a good time in many interesting places in Tourist Resort. Now I want to thank you for your cooperation and support. Also I shall apologize for any inconvenience in the trip due to various reasons. I hope next time when you are in Tourist Resort I will be your guide again. Wish you a pleasant trip back home.
