
  Yucun village of Zhejiang province and Xidi village of Anhui province were named among the best tourism villages by the World Tourism Organization, or UNWTO, on Dec 2.12月2日,世界旅游组织(UNWTO)将浙江省雨村和安徽省西递村评为最佳旅游村。


  A total of 44 villages from 32 countries were granted the recognition this year. 今年共有来自32个国家的44个村庄获得了这一认可。


  All of them stood out for their natural and cultural resources as well as their innovative and transformative actions and commitment to the development of tourism in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, according to UNWTO.据联合国世界旅游组织称,他们所有人都因其自然和文化资源、创新和变革行动以及对旅游业发展的承诺而脱颖而出,这些行动符合可持续发展目标。


  These villages were recognized as committed to making tourism a strong driver of their development and wellbeing.这些村庄被认为致力于使旅游业成为其发展和福祉的强大动力。


  The list was launched to advance the role of tourism in safeguarding rural villages, along with their landscapes, natural and cultural diversity, and their local values and activities.该名单的发布旨在促进旅游业在保护乡村景观、自然和文化多样性以及当地价值观和活动方面的作用。


  The two Chinese villages have been popular rural getaway destinations among travelers over the years.多年来,这两个中国村庄一直是旅行者们喜爱的乡村度假胜地。

