

  把英语rotate day off,shift说成英语


  在“把英语学成中文”的学习模式中,或者叫“只用中文学习英语”的传统模式中,英语we rotate day off和we rotate shifts in our company是只会分别“处理”成中文“我们公司是轮休”和“我们公司是轮班制”的。于是乎,你“用”中文学到了两句“实用英语”:rotate day off和rotate shifts,似乎“很满足”:只要记住英语rotate day off和rotate shifts,今后想说英语“轮休”“轮班”就“绝对没问题了”。


  二、把英语rotate day off,rotate shifts“学成”英语、说成英语

  1) 我们看这段原版英语:

  In a rotating schedule, employees work the day shift for one or two weeks and then switch to working the night shift for one or two weeks. This keeps all your operating hours covered while still giving your employees regular time off.

  Okay.Got it.读到英语employees work the day shift for one or two weeks and then switch to working the night shift for one or two weeks时,我们以后再也不会只能用rotate day off,rotate shifts表达“轮班”“轮休”了。

  2) 我们的day off,shift rotation英语口语练习:


  Well,you know,in my company,we work 24/7(24 hours a day and 7 days a week).So we have to work the day shift,for example, for one or two weeks and then we switch/we change to working the night shift for one or two weeks.

  就算你“忘词”rotate shift(rotate这个词好难记哟),你这么跟人沟通,人家一样能知道你在说you rotate shifts的意思。


  Well,you know,in my company,we work 24/7(24 hours a day and 7 days a week).So we usually can not have fixed day off(always day off on weekends).We'll take day off=time off,for example,sometimes on weekends,and sometimes we'll have to switch/change to weekdays (Monday,Tuesdays, Wednesday,and so on) .

  说好这些英语难道不也是“英语口语”吗。难道只有“用上”rotate day off,rotate shifts在句子里才叫“英语口语”吗?不会用英语学英语,“忘词”会坑死你。

