
  1.熬过异地恋就是一辈子。It's a lifetime to survive long-distance love.


  2.对你,穷极所思,可赴千里。For you, you can go thousands of miles if you are extremely poor.


  3.对于异地,我自知其苦,也自得其乐。 For different places, I know my hardships and enjoy myself.


  4.有生之年能遇见你,竟花光我所有运气。It took all my luck to meet you in my lifetime.


  5.我是集市养猫者,不看路人,不换爱人。I am a cat keeper in the market. I don't look at passers-by and change my love.


  6.听到一些事,明明不相干的,也会在心中拐好几个弯想到你。When I hear something that is obviously irrelevant, I will turn several corners in my heart and think of you.


  7.我只希望这个世界可以很小很小,小到我一转身便可看见你。I just hope the world can be so small that I can see you as soon as I turn around.


  8.真羡慕你身边那些无关紧要的人,那么容易就见到让我朝思暮想的你。I envy those unimportant people around you. It's so easy to see you that I miss you so much.


  9.我在十点差三分的时候开始想你。I began to miss you at three to ten.


  10.我认为这个世界上最浪漫的事就是一个人跑很远的路去看另一个人。I think the most romantic thing in the world is that a person runs a long way to see another person.