
  ?我在雨中很幸运? ? I got lucky in the rain ? ? One day when I had nothing to do for an hour ? ?有一天我无事可做? ? I walked around in a shower ? ?我在淋浴间走来走去? ? I had reason to complain ? ?我有理由抱怨? ? One moment I was sadly in need of a song ? ?有一刻我很需要一首歌♥? ? Next moment you came along ? ?下一刻你来了? ? Then the heavens smiled at me ? ?然后天堂向我微笑? ? My heart said, "How lucky can you be!" ? ?我的心说:“你能有多幸运!” ? ? Things like these you can't explain ? ?这些你无法解释的东西? ? I only know that I met the love of my life ? ?我只知道我遇到了我一生的挚爱? 当我在雨中幸运的时候 ? When I got lucky in the rain ? 这是雅德利。 This is Yardley. 这应该是一所很好的文科学校。 Which is supposed to be a very good liberal art school. 绝对够我妈妈讲的。 Definitely tonguey enough for my mother. 拥有美丽的乡村校园。 With its beautiful rural campus. 这是胡说八道,因为你在草丛中走动时会tick子。 Which is total bullshit, because you get ticks, walking in the grass. Yardley比我上的第一所大学更加结构化。 Yardley is more structured than the first college I went to. 我在那些严肃的常春藤联盟sudo知识分子联合中呆了几个月, I lasted a few months at one of those serious Ivy League sudo intellectual joints, 母亲认为这会给我“适当的”教育。 which my mother thought would give me an "appropriate" education. 她说我有很高的智商,但我没有发挥出自己的潜力。 She says I have a high IQ, and I'm not living up to my potential. 即使上周末我还是打了20张盛大的扑克牌。 Even though last weekend I made 20 grand playing poker. 但是我会做到这一点。 But I'll get to that. 雅德利(Yardley)是我在学校论文中遇见Ashleigh的地方。 Yardley is where I met Ashleigh, from a school paper. 那是我的女朋友-Ashleigh Enright。 That's my girlfriend - Ashleigh Enright. 我父亲认识她父亲在亚利桑那州的一家银行。 My dad knew one of her father's banks in Arizona. 当然,有了这些家庭证明, And naturally, with those family credentials, 我母亲希望我们结婚,这是看不见的。 my mother wants us to get married, sight unseen. 这是我与母亲达成的共识。 It's the one area I agree on with my mother. 因为即使我们只出去了几个月。 Because even though we've only been going out for a few months. 我无可救药地爱上了阿什利。 I'm hopelessly in love with Ashleigh. 我接受了Roland Pollard的采访。 I got an interview with Roland Pollard. 噢,天哪,太神奇了。 您是如何降落的? Oh my Gosh, that is amazing. How did you land that? 他将于今年