【BBC 12.10】英国首席谈判代表做最后脱欧谈判


  BBC News. Hello, this is Jerry Smit.

  BBC新闻,大家好,我是Jerry Smit。

  Britain's lead Brexit negotiator David Frost has arrived in Brussels to find a last minute solution to the three outstanding issues, fishing quotas, competition rules and ways to solve future disputes. Ireland's foreign minister said a Brexit deal was more likely than not. But the British Minister said the talks were in a very difficult position. Nick Beake reports from Brussels on the current situation of the discussions. EU negotiators will be keen to get a sense of the latest instructions their UK counterparts have been given by the prime minister. Lord Frost for the British who want to know the extent to which the EU Michelle Barnier may be able to maneuver further. There is in public a dogged insistence on both sides that the other needs to abandon its current unreasonable position to generate the breakthrough. The talks are resuming again behind closed doors at the European Commission headquarters this afternoon.


  A growing number of Indian opposition parties and unions have expressed support for a nationwide strike called by farmers against the government's controversial new agricultural reforms. The main opposition Congress Party, the party governing Delhi, a series of regional opposition parties and dozens of workers unions now say they'll join Tuesday's protest demanding the laws are repealed.


  People in Venezuela are voting for a new National Assembly, which will be dominated by President Nicolas Maduro's Socialist Party, as most of the opposition has decided to boycott the election. The vote comes after a 2-year power struggle between President Maduro and the opposition leader Juan Guaido. Paul Dobson is a journalist based in northwestern Venezuela. Undoubtedly, there will be a certain sector of the population which decided not to vote today and not necessarily because opposition leader Juan Guaido is calling for them to do so. Simply because many have immigrated, have not registered. Many have decided that the conditions are not right for them to vote. Many simply do not want to vote. This is normal in elections of this nature. Parliamentary election's turnout is traditionally around 40%.


  Egypt's President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is beginning a highly controversial state visit to France for talks with President Emmanuel Macron on Middle East tensions and bilateral cooperation. Here's Youssef Taha. The 3-day visit followed the release on Thursday of three top Egyptian human rights activists who were detained with no charge after meeting European diplomats. The arrest was seen as the latest escalation of a massive crackdown by Mr. al-Sisi on political dissent and NGOs. Several groups, including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International issued a joint statement saying France had approved the sale of surveillance and crowd control tools to Cairo. Egypt accounts for over 1/4 of France's military exports, including Rafale fighter jets, which Paris had failed to sell previously. BBC news.






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