




  1、complain v.抱怨

  complaint n.

  2、envious adj. 嫉妒的

  envy n/v.羡慕;嫉妒

  3、employ 雇佣

  paid employment有偿就业

  5、vary v.变化

  mass culture 大众文化



  phenomenon n.现象(单数)

  phenomena n.现象(复数)

  7、migrate ⅴ.迁徙

  migration n.

  extraordinary 超凡的


  call off 取消

  strike 罢工

  in anticipation of 期待;盼望


  romanticism 浪漫主义

  10、ridiculous adj.滑稽的;荒谬的

  ridiculousness n.

  11、match 匹配

  mismatch 不匹配

  misuse 误用

  abuse 滥用

  abuse bug 滥用毒品


  internship 实习

  12、disgust 厌恶


  economic 与经济有关的

  economical 经济实惠的

  14、be/become famous for 因...出名










  With blood pouring from his leg,he made it to a nearby house.


  Ironically, almost all manufacturers claim that their drinks are free of artificial colorings.





  Generally speaking, Chinese fishes/cuisines are judged by three essential facotors/elements, namely(=that is), colorm aroma and taste, with taste being the most important one. Besides, the names of the dishes are diverse/various, and behind each of the famous names there is an interesting story explaining why it is popular. A good name can add value to the dish. However, some names are so eccentric that they may confuse people both Chinese and foreigners. If you interpret the names literally without real understanding, you may make a fool of yourself.

  cuisine 菜肴;菜系

  essential 重要的;必要的



  11、According to the Chinese lunar calendar, August 15 of every year is a traditional Chinese festival - the Mid-Autumn Festival. This day is the middle of autumn, so it is called Mid-Autumn. One of the important Mid-Autumn Festival activies is to enjoy the moon. On that night, people gather together to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, looking up at the bright moon and eating moon cakes. The festival is also a time for family reunion. People living far away from home will express their feelings of missing their hometowns and families at the festival. There are many custom to celebrate the festival, all expressing people's love and hope for a happy life. Since 2008, the Mid-Autumn Festival has become an official national holiday in China.

  solar calendar 阳历







  3、rummage through...for sth. 乱翻

  4、assume the responsibility

  5、priority 优先处理的事

  Top priority 重中之重

  6、social ethics 社会伦理

  7、pragmatic 务实的


  8、thrifty 节俭的

  9、chop and change 反复无常

  10、uphold 支持;维护




  1、urge 竭力劝告

  2、repeatedly 反复的

  3、tag 添加

  4、Spain 西班牙

  5、fine n.罚款

  6、refuse to 拒绝

  7、be absent from(school)缺席(缺课)


  9、court 法庭

  10、Currently 目前

  11、statistics 统计数字

  12、amused 被逗乐的;愉快的

  13、finances 资金;财务管理

  14、raise=rearing 抚养


  16、annoyed 略感烦恼/生气的

  17、blessed 可喜的

  18、tongue 舌头

  19、pierce 穿孔

  20、stepfather 继父

  21、commercialized 商业化的

  22、federal 联邦的


  24、observe v.=庆祝

  25、figure 人物

  26、push n.提议

  27、is due to 由于

  This is in part due to the fact that...


  28、commerce 商业

  commercial 商业的

  commercialized 商业化的

  29、entensive 广泛的;全面的

  30、constantly 总是;经常地

  31、associate 同伴

  32、workload 工作量

  33、awesome 了不起的




  1、fundamentally 根本上

  2、platform 平台;站台;月台

  3、digital 数字的;数码的

  4、be...developed 被研发

  5、initially=to begin with

  6、fold...into 折叠

  7、keep track of 跟踪,追踪

  8、most of the...+n.

  9、review 检查

  10、preview 预习

  11、drill down on 深入研究

  12、传统课堂 traditional/physical classroom

  在线课程 online classroom

  13、scene 场景

  auditorium (剧院)听众席/观众席

  14、slog away 苦干


  (一)经典例文(How类作文):How I Deal with Stress

  It is now quite common for college students to feel under stress in the modern world. As for me, many kinds of things, such as an important exam, my parents’ expectation, the uncertainty over job prospects, etc. can induce emotional tension. Since too much stress may undermine our well-being, whether physical or mental, we must find approaches to deal with it.

  For my own part, there is no better way to relieve stress than doing something relaxing, which can help me regain control of my emotion. With a peaceful mind, I can straighten out my problems. Apart from that, I also try to simplify my problems by setting a specific short-term goal that will improve my mood and take a lot of stress off me. Thirdly, I will spend more time with optimistic people, for it is they who often encourage me never to give up and find silver linings even in desperate situations. Finally, I share pent-up worries and concerns with my parents, teachers or friends and ask for their assistance.

  From my perspective, at no time should we ignore the negative effect an overdose of stress may exert. What’s more, we need to find outlets for stress before it threatens our health and weighs us down.





  1、unkock 解锁

  2、display vhttps://www.bilibili.com/read/cv14193019/n. 陈列;展览

  on display

  3、reward 奖励;报酬


  5、course 航线;路线;课程;菜(系)

  6、image n.形象

  imagine v.想象

  7、headset n.头戴式耳机

  8、comment vhttps://www.bilibili.com/read/cv14193019/n.评论


  10、supplement vhttps://www.bilibili.com/read/cv14193019/n. 补充;增补(物)

  11、networks 网络

  清辅音:/k/ /t/ /p/

  12、/g/ /d/ /b/ ... /z/

  /m/ /n/ ... /z/


  1、interact 交互的;互动的



  2、accurate 准确的

  3、notification 通知

  4、live on campus 住在校园内

  live off campus 住在校园外

  5、urgency 紧急情况

  6、accuracy 精确度


  notify v.通知

  notification 通知


  1、intelligence 智力

  2、surf 上网浏览信息

  3、log in 进入计算机系统

  log off 退出计算机系统

  4、 registeration n.注册;报名

  register v.

  5、sign up for 报名

  6、hold up 阻碍


  1、virtual 虚拟的

  online/virtual class

  2、tablet 平板电脑

  3、click 点击

  4、arrow 箭头

  5、Romeo and Juliet 罗密欧与茱丽叶

  6、Shakespeare 莎士比亚


  1、addition 成瘾

  addition to

  2、advertise 做广告

  3、annoyed=cross(口语词汇) 恼怒的;生气的

  4、text 发短信


  1、owe to=due to=attribute to 归功于

  2、inspire v.

  inspiration n.


  1、collaboration 合作

  2、telepresence 遥现(遥控现场)

  3、personalized 为某人特制的

  4、e-portfolio 电子文件夹












  1、frontiers of new technology 新技术的前沿

  2、ever-flowing river of information 源源不断的信息流

  3、add to student's sense of excitement 增加学生的兴奋感

  4、sophisticated thinking 深入思考

  5、the fuel of college life 大学生活的动力

  6、take sb. away from the real world outside 脱离现实世界

  7、take the lead 树立榜样,带头

  8、inferiority complex 自卑感

  9、at a competitive disadvantage 处于竞争劣势

  10、stand out 脱颖而出

  11、fever out 狂热

  12、study late into the night 熬夜

  13、in the meantime 同时

  14、anywhere-anytime 随时随地的

  15、yield amazing benefits 深受裨益



  Sth., long a...of..., is being transformed into..., and...


  A recent ?study/ research/ experiment found/ discovered/ indicated that...


  With the widespread application of...

  With the fast/rapid development of...




  2、multimedia classroom

  multiply v.加;乘;繁殖


  medium (单数)

  media 媒体

  3、engage in 参与;参加

  4、distraction 分心

  5、wide range of 大范围

  6、Internet addiction 网瘾

  7、present 呈现

  8、fantastic 奇异的;极好的

  9、indispensable=necessary 不可缺少的

  10、get access to 利用;使用

  (二)Pre-reading actitives

  (三)Main idea & structure

  1、instant 及时的


  3、a means of的“means”指“方式;手段”

  4、tape lecture 录制课程


  5、script 手迹;文本





  1、inspire 鼓舞;激励

  2、launch 创办

  3、relatively 相对地

  The Theory of Relativity 相对论


  exclude 排斥


  5、witness nhttps://www.bilibili.com/read/cv14193019/v. 目击证人/见证;目击

  eye witness

  6、award vhttps://www.bilibili.com/read/cv14193019/n. 奖状

  The Academy Award

  reward v. 报酬

  rewarding adj. 有意义的

  7、tsunami 海啸

  8、submarine 潜艇

  marine 海洋的




  1、essay 短文;论说文

  2、contest 竞赛

  3、submit 提交

  submission n.

  4、fell into 属于

  5、category 范畴


  1、fairy tale 童话

  2、gender 性别

  3、stereotype 老套

  stereo 立体声

  4、can't resist the temptation of

  5、inspire 激励;鼓舞


  inspire sb. with 用...方式鼓励

  inspiring 鼓舞人心的

  6、launch 创办

  7、rebel 叛逆者


  1、tsunami 海啸

  2、injured 受伤的

  3、editor-in-chief (出版社的)主编


  1、sacrifice 牺牲

  2、trait 品质


  1、unselfish 令人钦佩的

  2、admirable 令人钦佩的

  3、extinguish=put out fire 灭火

  distinguish 辨别

  4、refer to 提到,提及

  5、victim 遇难者

  6、make a difference 使...有意义

  7、distant 遥远的

  constant 不断的

  8、mountain region 山区地区

  9、sink vhttps://www.bilibili.com/read/cv14193019/n. 下沉/水槽



  1、collaboration 合作


  2、telepresence 遥现

  3、personalized 个性的;为某人定制的

  4、e-portfolio 电子文件夹

  5、make sense of=understand 理解

  6、take ... into account 将...考虑在内

  7、to some degree

  8、new model of learning 新的学习方式

  9、shift from ... to ...

  10、act as+表示身份的名词

  11、promote creativity 提高创造力

  12、video conferencing 视频会议

  13、press conference 记着招待会;新闻发布会

  14、physical location 实体位置

  15、interact with 互动

  16、smart device 智能设备

  17、involvement in

  18、identify 识别;辨认

  19、meet their needs 满足他们的需求

  20、personalized assessment 个性化的评估




  1、the fuel of college life 大学生活的动力

  2、undergraduate (在读)大学(本科)生

  major in 主修

  postgraduate 研究生



  3、Internet connectivity=Internet access(to) 互联网连接/接入

  4、more than 不仅仅

  5、storage 存储

  6、virtually 几乎

  7、adopt 在此意为:采纳

  8、indispensable 不可缺少的;必不可少的



  10、outline 提纲,纲要

  11、involve ... in

  12、network online

  13、regulate?control 管控,管理;控制

  14、visit with sb.


  1、wire dorms 安装网线


  2、take the lead 领先

  3、turn...into 转变



  (1)account for 占比例

  (2)account 当取“叙述”的含义时

  take...into account 考虑

  (3)accounting 会计学

  accountant 会计



  1、fire off

  2、assignment 任务;作业

  3、inferiority 低人一等;下等;次等

  superior to 比...好

  inferior to 比...差


  n. 情结

  adj. 复杂的

  5、inferiority complex 自卑情结;自卑感


  1、lease 租借

  2、focus 专注

  3、competitive 竞争的

  at...disadvantage 处于...的劣势


  1、are trying to=are straining to 努力做

  2、stand out 出色;显眼,突出

  3、fever pitch 狂热

  4、pitch 程度;强度;高度

  5、portable 便携式的;手提式的;轻便的


  1、-free 不...的



  laptop-free 不带手提电脑的

  2、repair shop



  1、advanced 高级的;领先的

  2、anywhere-anytime 随时随地的

  3、yield 产生惊奇的效果

  4、widespread application 普遍应用

  5、be indispensable for


  1、access to

  accessible 易得到的;易使用的 后接to


  (一)Languages focus——Practical phrases

  1、access 享用机会;享用权

  access to

  2、take the lead 带头;树立榜样

  (二)Languages focus——Functional Patterns

  1、Sth., long a ... of ..., is being transformed into ..., and ... 用于形容“某物的转变或变化”

  2、A recent study/ research/ experiment found/ discovered/ indicated that ... 用于表达“某些研究、实验等所发现的结果”

  3、With the widespread application of.https://www.bilibili.com/read/With the fast/rapid development of... 用于表达“某事或某物的发展或应用”





  When choosing a university, you must consider some key factors. The most important factor is whether the university can prepare you well for your future. It should provide up-to-date courses and have qualified professors. Another factor is affordability. You need to be able to afford the tuition fees and living expenses. Some schools offer scholarships to outstanding students or to those who cannot afford the tuition fees. Finally, a good location is also important. An ideal school should be located in a quiet place and have convenient public transportation. You should consider these factors carefully in order to find the most suitable university.


  There are some things you can do to succeed in college. First, persue passions. Your passions will broaden your mind and make your life interesting. Second, never let go of any opportunities that come your way. College is full of unique opportunities, which enable you to sample new things and meet wonderful people. Lastly, take responsibilities. In college you must learn to be responsible for your own decisions and actions. With the passions, the opportunities, and the ability to take responsibility, you will become successful not only in college, but also in your future career.


  Parents may get disappointed when you fail to meet their expectations. They may strongly object to your lifestyle and complain that you are wasting time on unimportant things. To solve this problem, you may try to make them understand that you are a responsible person.

  First tell them that you have inherited many of their merits. Then remind them that you also have your own thoughts and life goals as an individual. You can also explain how your lifestyle will influence you in a positive way. You may not be able to change your parents' opinions overnight, but if keep trying, it will eventually work.

  (三)Revision of the useful expressions词组整理

  1、the triumph of years of hard work 多年努力的结果

  2、make your educational experience as rewarding as possible 使你学有所成

  3、attain one's best 取得佳绩

  4、cry tears of joy 喜极而泣

  5、a time unlike any other 无与伦比的时光

  6、persue new passions 追求新的爱好

  7、emerge as a broadly educated person 变得更加博学

  8、give sb. a giant headache 令人头昏欲裂

  9、an early bird 早起的人

  10、a night owl 夜猫子

  11、the happy experiences outweight the unpleasant ones 快乐的经历多于令人不快的经历

  12、enrich one's life 使生活丰富多彩

  13、with a glow in one's eye 带着热切的目光

  14、pass from one generation to the next 代代相传

  15、inheritors of the hard work 艰苦努力的传承者

  16、acquire and transmit knowledge 获取、传递知识

  17、build a strong and prosperous future 创造强大昌盛的未来

  18、carry the responsibilities as... 承担起...的责任

  19、shape one's future 铸就未来

  20、abundant opportunities 大量机会

  (四)Revision of the functional patterns

  1、As ..., sb. is proud/happy/sorry/sad..to do sth.


  2、In doing sth., sb. is reminded of sth.


  3、If sb. could give sb. else only one piece of advice about..., it would be this:Do sth.! 用于表达“某人认定的最为重要的建议”

  4、...A wonderful example of this is sb. who/ sth. that...



  It is not uncommon to see teenagers smoking today. Some of them smoke because of peer preesure. When they see some of their friends smoking, they feel the pressure to try it out in order to "fit in" with the crowd. Some other teenagers smoke because they want to imitate audlts or appear to be more mature. Teenagers like to imitate their favorite stars and audlts around them. So, parents who smoke may set a bad example for their children. In conclusion, the causes of teenager smoking can be attributed to peer preasure and their intention to look like adults.



  1、classify 分类;划分


  identify 识别

  Fortify 巩固;加强

  2、have a passion for 爱好,热爱

  3、attain (通常通过努力)获得

  acquire v. 掌握(一门知识)

  acquisition n.

  4、definite 明确的

  define v.下定义

  5、persue 追求

  in persuit of...

  6、virtually 几乎;差不多;实质上


  fascinating 极有吸引力的,迷人的

  8、prosperous 繁荣的;成功的;兴旺的


  9、fall into 属于

  10、available(to sb.)可获得的;有空的;可利用

  11、sample 体验