“翻滚吧!律政新人王”|Auslaw Partners优秀实习生展①

  原创 Erika、Jacky 澳洲法律评论


  作者:Erika Li



  作者:Jacky Li




  澳洲法律评论 | Auslaw Review



  Auslaw Partners | 澳和律业与澳洲法律评论始终坚持和相信用心培养每一位新人对当下社会及各行各业都会形成一个非常稳固的良性循环。联结一个分工明确的良好团队,打造轻松却不失严谨的工作环境对于工作伙伴来说,也是高效工作必不可少的条件。


  澳和律业 | Auslaw Partner希望为每一位法律执业新兴精英提供展示才华的平台。记录法律新人的成长历程,给予鼓励和帮助。我们相信每一位选择法律道路的学生,经过艰难的学习生涯到初入社会,必先经过一番洗礼。我们愿意提知识经验共享,资源实习支持等一系列项目,为中澳高校的法律学子职业道路提供职场培训与支持。



  澳法评今天邀请到了两位常驻实习生来和大家分享他们在Auslaw Partners | 澳和律业实习的收获和心得。


  Erika Li


  回首2021年年底,一桩桩一件件都历历在目。从11月份艰难地结束了硕士课程的最后一个项目,到12月份顺利地从昆士兰大学大学毕业,期间还有幸进入Auslaw Partners 澳和律业实习,每一件事都是对自己新的突破。

  由于我的专业和法律并不相关,也没有多少法律背景,在Auslaw Partners的第一天,我即激动又紧张,对许多的工作都跃跃欲试,但又担心自己不能胜任。但在林律师和其他同事的耐心教导和鼓励下,我逐渐成长,慢慢熟悉日常工作并学会独立处理事情。还记得我面试的时候,林律师说希望有不同专业的同学加入到Auslaw Partners,给公司带来不一样的新鲜血液,这使我大受鼓舞,希望自己可以为律所贡献微薄之力!


  实习的这两三个月不算长也不算短,在这有限的时间里,我不仅有机会把学校里学到的东西运用到实际工作中,还学到了许多校园之外的东西,受益匪浅。在Auslaw Partners最有成就感的工作应该是和同事一起策划准备了圣诞年会活动,刚开始的时候有些焦虑和害怕,怕自己的想法不成熟,不能给大家一个很好的体验,后面在林律师和同事的支持下一步一步去做,从最初的流程策划到中间的物资采购,最后执行落地并圆满结束的时候,中间所有的辛苦都觉得值得,当听到大家的好评反馈,内心觉得暖暖的很欣慰。之后我还完成了一些marketing和admin的工作,例如如何挑选合适的内容发布领英,如何更高效地完成admin的工作,一件件看上去很小的事情却丰富了自己的经历,除此之外也强化了自己的学习沟通能力。



  Jacky Li


  During the three-month internship at Auslaw Partners, it provided an opportunity for me to develop a lot of invaluable skills and knowledges which are valuable and beneficial for my future legal career. In my time at Auslaw, I was allocated the role of support staff to mainly assist the property, commercial and civil dispute teams, where it allowed me to see the real ‘backstage’ of how a multicultural law firm operates.

  I still remember vividly on the first week starting at Auslaw, I was overwhelmed by the work ethics of the people working there. The professionalism of the solicitors and staffs at Auslaw is not limited by the size of the firm, everyone at Auslaw is knowledgeable with his and her area of expertise, from legal to administrative work. Importantly, I was fortunate to work alongside with different lawyers where they have always been helpful at assisting me utilities this internship opportunity as effectively as I could, such as explaining how due-diligence process work in a sale of business and having me sit in a negotiation. I also had the chance to conduct a myriad of legal work, for example, amending and reviewing business and property contracts, filing court documents, and preparing documents for clients.

  There are many details about practicing law that slip through the cracks when we are studying at university, the lecturers could barely spend the time on telling us the read-world experience. But, throughout my time at Auslaw I have experienced and learnt there is far more to the work of legal profession than just case-laws and legislations. I have developed a lot of real-world skills that I could not gain from university, such as how to interact and assist appropriately with the client who is seeking legal advice. One of the key skills that I learnt was how paramount to make accurate and proper correspondences with the clients, to minimize any chance of misunderstanding that may have on the clients and reduce unnecessary communication with clients, so that the work can be carried out in a timely and well-executed manner.

  I really appreciate and am grateful that Mr. Huiming Lin, the Managing Partner of Auslaw Partners, had given me this rewarding internship opportunity. This opportunity has not only helped me to gain the real-world skills, but also has built a platform for me to meet and work with many talented lawyers from various backgrounds.


  团队:澳和律业 | Auslaw Partners

  ● 致力于打造澳洲领先的亚资律师事务所

  ● 以提供优质专业法律服务,秉承认真求实、全面及时、遵守法德的态度,致力成为澳洲领先的亚洲跨境法律服务提供商。

  ● 专业高效、真诚贴心、求实守信

