
  梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)是一位工作努力、意志坚定的女性。她从基层做起,打零工,直到在好莱坞为自己开辟出一片天地。梅根在拍摄《金装律师》时,有一件事是她从来没有想过的,那就是她的生活最终会发生什么变化。现在她已经成为皇室成员,她的工作有了不同的味道。但是,她的薪水也一样高吗?


  梅根把《金装律师》中的 Rachel Zane角色演活的时候,赚了不少钱。每集片酬5万美元。如果她从节目一开始就赚了这么多钱,那么从2011年到2018年,她仅从节目中就赚了540万美元。

  梅根也曾经通过代言和赞助赚了不少钱。多少钱一个位? 每年约8万美元,用于联合签约产品、与知名品牌合作,以及利用她的平台作为营销工具。值得庆幸的是,只要梅根的角色还在播出,她就会继续拍续集!

  那么,她所有的努力工作对她的王室地位有多大的影响呢 ?梅根个人净资产为500万美元。在好莱坞的这几年绝对不错。她的净资产绝对不容小觑 !

  So how much has all her hard work amounted to pre her royal status? Meghan’s solo net worth was $5 million. Definitely not bad for just a few years in Hollywood. Meghan’s net worth is nothing to sneeze at!

  我们已经确定梅根仍然有自己的收入来源,这要感谢她在《金装律师》上的时间。她还分享了哈利30岁生日时留下的一大笔遗产。但是她作为苏塞克斯公爵夫人的工作呢 ?嗯,英国纳税人通过主权拨款确实帮助维持了经济。

  We’ve established that Meghan still has her own income streams thanks to her time on Suits. She also shares in on the large inheritance that dropped into Harry’s name on his 30th birthday. But what about for her work as the Duchess of Sussex? Well, the British taxpayers via the Sovereign Grant do help keep things afloat.


  Their money helps cover some of her living expenses like “rent” and utilities. Considering the grant was recently upped for extensive renovations, its no surprise the trickle-down effect is working at its best here. Then there is the Duchy of Cornwall. While this money is for the heir to the throne, it’s unlikely that the Prince of Wales won’t make it a point to care for his extended royal family.


  When it comes to Meghan’s hard work repping the queen at royal engagements, charitable organizations, royal tours, state dinners, and ceremonies her money and reimbursements are generally pulled from one of the income streams mentioned above.

  The salary deets are definitely kept quiet as the royal family doesn’t like the share their financial information, but no matter what it is, she is definitely well paid and well taken care of in her new role as the Duchess of Sussex.


