
Pursuing a successful career is a dream for every young individual. For some the dream comes true, as they quickly find a fulfilling and highly paying job. For others, it remains just a dream.


The difference between the dream and reality is in the education choices individuals make while in college, the undergraduate and the graduate major they pursue.


That’s where the secret is:


Try something different, march against the crowd, and find your element, your passion.


As I discuss in The Six Rules of Success, pursuing a career is similar to pursuing a business. You must begin with a vision; a place you want to be four, ten, twenty years down the road, and a service you want to provide to the business community and to society, but make sure that there will be a sustained demand for these services.


Then, you must think of the educational degree that will provide you the skills for this career; and the competition, the other people that pursue the same degree at the same time as you.


Demand and supply theory suggests that if too many individuals pursue the same career, it will become increasingly difficult for each individual to find a job. That’s why you should study something different from the rest of the crowd.


Prepare for careers with little competition.


Pursuing a different major is one thing, bringing out your strengths and capabilities to complete the necessary work and get the degree is another. What does it take?


If you ask Rhonday Byrne, she’d tell you it’s The Law of Attraction. Byrne argues in The Secret for the power of positive thoughts, which she says will act like magnets to bring things your way, helping you identify and externalize your internal strengths and capabilities.


While positive thought may be a necessary condition for bringing out strengths and capabilities, it isn’t sufficient, counter Ken Robinson and Lou Aronica in The Element. You must also find your own “element,” your passion– the major of study that matches your inner strengths and capabilities, in addition of being unique.

肯.罗宾森和卢.阿罗尼卡在《The Element》却表达了不同的看法,他们认为虽然积极思想是激发人长处和能力的必要条件,但还远远不够。你还必须找到你自己的“元素”、你的激情所在——专业除了要与众不同之外,还应符合你的长处和能力。

The bottom line: The major you choose must match your inner capabilities and your passion with unique market opportunities.


