

据BBC 11日报道,埃塞俄比亚一女子在生下孩子半小时后坐在病床上参加了中学毕业考试。



Almaz Derese, 21, who is from Metu in western Ethiopia, had hoped to sit the tests before her baby was born, but the secondary school exams were postponed because of Ramadan.21岁的Almaz Derese来自埃塞俄比亚西部的梅图,她原本希望在孩子出生之前参加考试,但由于斋月的缘故,中学毕业考试被推迟了。

▲ Ethiopian woman gives birth and sits exams 30 minutes later (via BBC)

这么一推迟,考试正好撞上了Almaz Derese的产期。

Ms Almaz said studying while pregnant was not a problem and she did not want to wait until next year to graduate.Almaz女士表示,怀孕期间读书不是问题,但是她不想等到明年才毕业。She took her English, Amharic and maths secondary school exams in hospital on Monday and will sit her remaining tests at the exam centre over the next two days.周一,她在医院参加了英语、阿姆哈拉语和数学的中学毕业考试,接下来的两天她将在考试中心参加剩下科目的毕业考试。"Because I was rushing to sit the exam, my labour wasn't difficult at all," Ms Almaz told BBC Afaan Oromoo.Almaz女士告诉BBC记者Afaan Oromoo:“因为我赶着去参加考试,所以我的分娩一点都不困难。”Her husband, Tadese Tulu, said he had to persuade the school to allow her to take the exams at the hospital.她的丈夫Tadese Tulu表示他不得不去说服学校允许她在医院参加考试。

▲ Ethiopian woman gives birth and sits exams 30 minutes later (via BBC)



▲ 公共考试委员会专员在武警的保护下将密封的试卷带给产科病房内的Almaz Derese (via Dailymail)


而Almaz Derese和对受教育的坚持和渴望打动了许多网友。





(via Dailymail)

除了产后半小时就开始在病床上答题的Almaz Derese,尼日利亚还有穿着婚纱考试的新娘。


Dorcas Atsea和Deborah Atoh本计划着在大学学习结束后举行婚礼,没想到一场考试偏偏被重新安排在了她们的大喜之日。

Deborah Atoh told BBC News that she wasn't happy at first when she found out that her exam and her wedding fell on the same day but she then had a change of heart.Deborah Atoh在接受BBC采访时表示,当她得知考试和婚礼将在同一天举行时,起初并不开心,但后来她改变了主意。"I discovered it was a thing of joy because I would be getting these two important certificates on the same day," she said.“我发现这是一件令人欣喜的事情,因为我将在同一天获得这两项重要证书,”她说。She continued: "My fellow students were so excited when we entered in the exam hall and they took a lot of pictures. 她继续说道:“当我们走进考场时,我的同学们都很兴奋,他们拍了很多照片。“"When I finished my exam, I was singing joyful songs on the way to the wedding reception and when I got there I did a lot of dancing.“当我考完试,我在去婚宴的路上唱着欢快的歌,当我到那儿的时候,我跳了很多舞。”


▲ Nigerian brides sit exams in wedding gowns (via BBC)



资料:BBC, Dailymail, 网络